TFTP to FTP "converter"
I have a need to a TFTP to FTP converter. Let me explain:
Some devices I use update their firmware through TFTP. For reasons I won't get into in details, I would rather they update through FTP, mostly so that they use a login and password (which TFTP does not support). But I can't modify the devices.
Basically, this is what I need working:
Devices connects through TFTP to pfSense (it uses pfSense as the TFTP server), pfsense connects to a FTP server either cleartext or encrypted FTP (configurable by user) with a configured login and password and therefore allows the TFTP device to get the files from the FTP server if it was connected through TFTP.
I have no idea of pricing, but I do have a small budget. It can (and should I guess) be done as a package. The aim would be to get this working on 2.0+, as I have no need for 1.2.x
Price? I don't know, but I have a small budget for this and if anybody else is interested we could share.
I'm trying to wrap my mind around this.
You want a TFTP client to connect to a TFTP server and pull files from an FTP server that the TFTP server is connected to, as though the TFTP client were tunneled through to the FTP Server?Did I just reply to a troll…
He just needs a proxy of TFTP to FTP what is hard about it :)
Is there a proxy out there that does this? I've never heard of such a thing.
Neither have I. If the OP needs a little more security, tftpd-ha allows segregating the data directory on a per-client basis.