OPT1 not working $50.00
I need help with configuring WAN & OPT1 interfaces to work in a load balanced way. I can't get it to work for some odd reason. I have a couple backup pfsense boxes also, so I ruled out hardware issue. I have DSL and Cable from two different service providers. I need to add 2 inbound rules also (one from WAN and one from OPT1) so a web server in my LAN network can be reached from outside.
Here is current state
http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,27078.0.htmlFor someone with insight into pfsense, this will be super easy to help me.
Thank you for considering.
CJ -
It looks like CMB is helping you in that thread. Since he's one of the pfSense developers AND a commercial support provider for pfSense, you would probably do well to work with him and then consider either sending him the $50 or donating it to pfSense.
Thank you ! I will work with cmb and try to get this to work.