RADIUS attribute for total data
I've been investigating RADIUS options for producing captive portal vouchers with a total data limit. I'm trying out Daloradius at the moment but its plan settings for data don't actually limit the total data according to https://sourceforge.net/projects/daloradius/forums/forum/684102/topic/3311600 and https://sourceforge.net/projects/daloradius/forums/forum/684102/topic/3307738 . Is there a RADIUS attribute for pfSense that functions like Mikrotik-Total-Limit/Mikrotik-Xmit-Limit, Mikrotik's hotspot limit-bytes-total or ChilliSpot-Max-Total_Octets?
This is a feature request and i advice you to go through the pfSense customer support with detailed description or just post in redmine.pfsense.org to be taken in consideration when someone is pleased to implement it.