Hyper-V PFsense PoC setup questions
I am setting up a PFsense PoC and am having trouble connecting the two PFsense devices. Here is the setup
Guest 1
WAN Adapter: Legacy Network adapter with IP using Hyper-V network connection called LAN_173.1.128.0_24 on setting Internal
LAN Adapter: Legacy Network adapter with IP using Hyper-V network connection called LAN_192.168.1.0_24 on setting InternalGuest 2
WAN Adapter: Legacy Network adapter with IP using Hyper-V network connection called LAN_173.1.129.0_24 on setting Internal
LAN Adapter: Legacy Network adapter with IP using Hyper-V network connection called LAN_192.168.2.0_24 on setting InternalI setup the PFsense guests as per instructions but cannot even ping from the console to the other console. How can I get these two to talk? I opened up ICMP so everything should be pingable.
Do I need to create a route on the Hyper-V host? If so how can I keep the PFsense guests the gateways?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Where to begin?
You're asking a pretty esoteric question. I can't imagine why someone would want to run two virtual pfSense boxes and connect them, but even assuming there's a good reason for doing it, I doubt few actually are. Thus, you may have to wait more than 7 hours for a reply.
You don't give a lot of details of your configuration. (EG: Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2, etc) But that may not matter in this case - see below.
You might proof-read your post. I'm not sure what you mean by "If so how can I keep the PFsense guests the gateways?" - I think you're missing a word or two. :-)
My first guess is that if your "network connection" names are accurate representations of the network settings, then they could point to your problem. I don't see where the two virtual machines could possibly trade packets. You have a different subnet on each of the four adapters. On which link do you expect them to communicate? EG: a machine at IP is not going to be able to see packets from a machine at IP even if they are on the same (virtual) wire. Your combination of IP address and netmask prohibit it. Perhaps you meant to have one of the pairs on the same subnet (eg: one machine at and the other at or a wider netmask ( eg: (rather than "/24")).
Or am I missing something about your configuration?
So I dropped the project and am now picking it up again.
I basically want to put together a PFsense VPN tunnel environment with a client machine on each end in a virtual environment to test it out. Perhaps there is already a guide to set this up but it is hard to wade through all the posts.
Ah. Ok. That's the "why?" answered. But, I believe fundamentally, my final paragraph applies. You need a "link" on which the two VMs talk and unless you're adding in static routes, I belive you'll need to adjust an IP address or a net mask as previously mentioned.
Forget it all. Everything works fine now.
Turns out one of my PFsense devices was glitchy. Reinstalled from scratch and restored the information and it worked fine.
I wish there was a way to find out what made it so buggy.