Vnstat "like" package to monitor bandwidth usage PER LAN IP {NOW $280USD}
I will post 50.00 to start it off . I have read other posts with members looking for this as well.
Please jump on board So someone with the skills to write this package has the motivation to try it.I would like a accurate monitoring per IP package . Bandwidthd does not cut the mustard at all .
Vnstat works great for the total per month on the wan port. I would like the same output listed per lan IP by month updated at 24 hour intervals.Please note the bottom few posts on page 2.
We are looking for a new package that works sort of the way vnstat does with a usuage table for lan users based on there lan IP.
$50 from me too for this
Do you mean source or destination ip, or both? Or one of the ips of the pfSense box, no matter if they are source or destination?
i would say the list based on all LAN ip and not the ips that they try to connect on the internet, so basically if i have 10 LAN than a list with those 10 and their usage.
i would say the list based on all LAN ip and not the ips that they try to connect on the internet, so basically if i have 10 LAN than a list with those 10 and their usage.
That's my thinking just a simple list of total in/out combined from lan to wan traffic PER lan IP , Not internal and not lan to opt1,2,or 3. Have it count by months or days with a starting day. Keeping last 30 days and current up to date data is plenty. I can grab the screen and save a jpeg or copy to a notepad document each month. Or open the file from the GUI.
I have a lot of internal traffic from lan to opt1 on two networks with two PFsense PC routers. We are getting fined for going over the cap every other month.I have tried 3 netflow analyzers and all of them count the local traffic , I have tried filtering it out with no luck. Plus it takes an extra PC. I have filtered Bandwidthd and it still counts the lan/opt1 traffic and or it's way off track counting almost double of what the ISP claims we use.
I'll put in $30USD. Pfsense needs a better bandwidth tracking (netop is broken, bandwidthd sucks and has not been worked on in years). I can't code, but I can contribute a bit.
so we have $130 in total, any1 ready to code?
mayb more would be willing to contribute if some1 was ready to do it and set a target price
I might chip in if there was a target Price
Why bandwidthd sucks? Doesn't it do bandwidth consumption per IP?
EDIT scratch it. -
Not that it's exactly relevant, and it's a lot heavier, but ntop should be working now too. It's the 800 pound gorilla of network monitoring, but it can also have the temper of one.
I will post 50.00 to start it off . I have read other posts with members looking for this as well.
Please jump on board So someone with the skills to write this package has the motivation to try it.I would like a accurate monitoring per IP package . Bandwidthd does not cut the mustard at all .
Vnstat works great for the total per month on the wan port. I would like the same output listed per lan IP by month updated at 24 hour intervals.Alright I pledge 100.00 instead of 50.00 !
Could really use this.
Allan -
pretty new to these parts and to pfsense but if $50 would help the cause I'm in for $50.
I would really like to be able to monitor per IP.
I would add - this feature has the possibility to increase my income a bunch and I will be willing to donate a portion of that directly to an individual/group or this board. I would need minute or second breakdown (maybe 5-min is fine but that is max) per IP. The more data the better.
So I'll post/pledge $50 and offer up a share in the $$ this will generate for me which I want to make clear could be substancial - i will be happy to face the fourm/board on this as well as pay the originator her/his cut.
heh… glad I hopped into this board tonight...
I'm using squid with a non-transparent proxy in place, in combination with vnstat, works great. Very little details are left out. I read somewhere that you can use a transparent proxy similar to a non by having a file (pac or something) with the configuration pre-defined. I think internet explorer's "automatically detect settings" looks for this file.
Now at $230.00
I've been working commercially with netflow for some years now and have implemented systems which cope with billions of flows per day, calculating hundreds of customers data plans. While those systems run from cisco routers, this can be done under FreeBSD fairly easily and can monitor all the interfaces individually and then filter/aggregate them based on subnets, IP's, ports etc. The only failing currently with flow tools is no IPv6 support. I have built netflow v9 gernerator/capture software (which supports IPv6) in php to gain an understanding of it. Based on all of this knowledge, I am sure I can contribute something to the pfSense project, if so desired.
I've been running PRTG on a windows XP box and have had poor results with softflowd V9 data. PRTG displays a small percentage of the actual data used.
I have switched back to the PFsense package Pfflowd. Witch seems to send data V9 that PRTG can interpret correctly. But PRTG has issues with the flow time outs when using Pfflowd.
I also have an issue with filtering local traffic where a PC running pf sense has 2 lans. One being a static route too another network with it's own WAN gateway.
If a package that exported flow data could be configured too only export flows between X and Y interfaces leaving Z interface out of the picture I would love to try it!It seems that PRTG can not filter an interface with Letters in it's name. Mine for example is (EM1) and (EM2) and (BGE0).
If you have a Linux or Unix system available you could run flow-tools (home page to analyse your flow records. There is a variety of filter and report options. There is a reasonable writeup in Network Flow Analysis by Michael W Lucas, ISBN 978-1-59327-203-6
I run pfflowd on pfSense, direct the flow records to a collector program (flow-capture) on a Linux system and use flow-report and flow-nfilter on the Linux system to generate reports.
I would kick in $20.
Ill pitch in another $20.00
Any updates on this matter? I find it hard to believe something as simple as bandwidth usage statistics per IP would be so hard to develop..
I'll trow in another 10$