Can Not access WEB GUI
HI Everyone :)
I have being running a pfsense 2.0 R for a while but some time the Web GUI gets stuck, I have tryed 11 but it does not work, with 11 in ssh it seems that everything is ok, but still can not access the GUI.
Any idea of what could be the problem?
press 8 and look if there is any errors after (short) waiting
and pressing 1 you could assign interfaces again and after that you can revert webgui back to http. After that reboot, and you can contact the webgui.But you have to put port number after ip-address if you had any other port than standard (example: )
I can not restart the interfaces because there are not dedicated lan interfaces, I have multiple virtual interfaces.
It seems that this because the traffic Graph feature.
Any idea
you can drop me out, don't have any glue
I did 8 too and there were not related errors.
I am running it in a poweredge1750 with 8 GB.
However I am switching to a poweredge2950 :) that should be enough.
Something very strange with this is that, when I try 11, it does not work at all in the Lan Interface (wich is a pfsense virtual interface), but it seems to work in the rest of virtual interfaces that i an running in that pfsense, it seems because it does not work 100%, the page try to load, the browser shows me the self-signed certificated but after I aprove to continue in the site it does not load at all, strange because it does no happen in the Lan virtual interface but in the rest.
Is there another pfsense deamon that I need to restart?
If there is a command that gets run from the GUI and it gets stuck, it can cause PHP to become unresponsive.
You can try:
killall -9 php; killall -9 lighttpd; /etc/rc.restart_webgui