Vmware Tools on ESX 4.1
hey guys
i am using pfsense 2.0RC3 on ESX4.1. I installed Open-VM-Tools package (build-313025) but i see on Console VMWARE TOOLS: UNMANAGED
I follow these istructions for verify installation here: http://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Open_VM_Tools_package#Verifying_functionality and it's all ok…Why i always see UNMANAGED ?
Have you any hint about ?Stefano
Are you able to use vxn driver as well send client commands like shutdown?
How can i try vnx driver ?
Add a second network interface and on VM configuration and choose vxn driver.
ok. I have:
Reboot VM
added a second interface by VM
assigned a new LAN IP
Vm tools is also unmanaged.S.