Vnstat "like" package to monitor bandwidth usage PER LAN IP {NOW $280USD}
If you sort this forum but Most views count this topic is at the top of the list under the sticky's .
Any response from the pfsense team?
Is there a chance you could work this feature into the OS. I'm sick of running 2 computers just to monitor bandwidth. I just want a list per month of all lan too wan traffic sorted by lan IP.
If you commit I'll send the coin asap! -
im ready to pledge some more coins if some1 seriously is willing to complete this and im sure others will add more of the coins once we know what it would take to complete it
As I understand it, said package would monitor total bandwidth by IP across multiple NICs, so if I have multiple internal subnets routing through pfsense, I can monitor how much IPs on the multiple LANs are transferring in and out across my WAN link(s). If this understanding is accurate, count me in for $50 if said package would also support IPv6/pfsense 2.1. I need IPv6 accounting as well.
Well It's been just over 1 year and over 7000 views on this topic . And not one hint of anything from the pf team.
To achieve this I use pfSense as a netflow collector (using softflowd) exporting the data to nfsen (running on another machine). This gives me full analyzing capabilities using a web GUI. This gives you all the capabilities that is asked for here in a free open source way.
But the goal is perhaps to use pfSense only.
But the goal is perhaps to use pfSense only.
Exactly! Why do we need two power sucking devices for this 1 job
I'd like to contribute $50 towards this project.
This would be very useful to me. -
But the goal is perhaps to use pfSense only.
Exactly! Why do we need two power sucking devices for this 1 job
I thought the same thing, but then looked at the 2 suggestions (have to go back and see if supported in freebsd). It would work, and has many many features (maybe overkill).
Could we not get what we all want if these 2 were bundled up in a pfsense package with some default options setup?).
It may not be good for the embedded buys, but lately my hardware can more than handle this.
It could be the only way we get what we all want.??
Does anyone know what it would cost and how much time it would take to get this sort of thing built in to pfsense or for someone to do an addon package?
Maybe the reason there hasnt been much movement is the cost and timescales especially if it would mean having to rewrite a large part of pfsense's core?
I'd chip in a reasonable amount if need be, but some idea of costs & timescales would be useful to begin with imo.
I've been working commercially with netflow for some years now and have implemented systems which cope with billions of flows per day, calculating hundreds of customers data plans. While those systems run from cisco routers, this can be done under FreeBSD fairly easily and can monitor all the interfaces individually and then filter/aggregate them based on subnets, IP's, ports etc. The only failing currently with flow tools is no IPv6 support. I have built netflow v9 gernerator/capture software (which supports IPv6) in php to gain an understanding of it. Based on all of this knowledge, I am sure I can contribute something to the pfSense project, if so desired.
I would love to load this even if it were outside of pf. Chris B suggested nfsen - what is yours based upon?