What is the best WIFI USB For Pfsense 2.0.1?
What is the best WIFI USB For Pfsense 2.0.1?
Opinions please? Looking to purchase one… I want one that is fully supported works with multiple AP Modes?
Any makes or suggestions welcome! Thank you guys!
I want one that is fully supported works with multiple AP Modes?
Do you means you want a USB NIC which is capable of operating more than one Access Point at a time? If so, I think you will be disappointed - there are PCI, Cardbus and PCI-Express devices with that capability but I don't know of any USB devices. If I have misinterpreted your request please try to make it more clear.
Hi thank you for your reply again, i have been talking to you on the other thread. lol. Was just seeing if there was another recommended USB WIFI adapter out there, that could have multiple AP Networks. If so? What device?
I know this doesn't make as neat of installation for you, but honestly, the best solution is to use a separate AP.
Ok thank you for being honest. I will go with that. lol. Cheers.
I know this doesn't make as neat of installation for you, but honestly, the best solution is to use a separate AP.
I am leaning toward this as well. I have had nothing but problems with wireless cards. USB wireless cards, i tried 3 or 4 makes/models and none were supported /detected. Even PCI cards are really flaky.. A friend told me its because most cards are not designed to work as an AP. With cheap access points available sometimes on craigslist, its a nice option to just go with the tried and true wired ap. As an aside, pfsense as a wireless AP use to work with an old nic card i had, but that card died. Was generic no name funny enough.
I am using 1.2.3 though so perhaps usb nics are now supported and or work.
right now my personal card has an annoying problem where every 15 minutes or so it starts into this "auth" "deauth" cycle and pretty much just doesnt connect till an interface disable /reenable. annoying to say the least. So for 40$ you cant go wrong with an old cisco ap is what im beginning to think. as fun as screwing around with my wireless interfaces are….