VMWare Pentest lab: Extremely high CPU on host
So you want to risk frontend firewall with direct contact with the physical Nics on the server?
Uninstall the vmtools package and reboot. Sed if it solves the issue…
1.2.3 doesnt have any of this at all. Running in about 3% on the physical server.
Have you tried enabling vt-d and passing the intel nics directly to pfsense?
Just checked with test system (DELL 9200) is not support pass-thr even the motherboard is enabled vt-d.
But why can't i just use 2 virtual lan cards and connect each of them to a separate v-switch. And let other 2 real lan cards to connect the v-switches.
It will be the same as setting as you suggested. -
Anyone solved this???
Has anyone tried without the VmTools package??
I'm having the same problem running pfSense on ESXi 5.
I have also tried without vmTools package installed but the result is the same, CPU usage is extremely high.Things that needs to be sorted out:
Does everybody running pfSense on ESXi 4/5 see this high CPU usage?
Is this problem related to FreeBSD or is it related to pfSense? -
I dont see it on the 1.2.3 version.
Pls test on your system to verify.
Certainly no problem here.
ESXi 5.0.0 build 623860
2.0.1-RELEASE (i386) built on Mon Dec 12 18:24:17 EST 2011 with VMtools package installed
HP dc7900 SFF Core2 duo E7600 3.06 GHz with 8 GB and four Intel NICs (inc. 1 on board) -
test the performance graph instead in ESXi instead of the one in PFSense….
Hi everyone,
I had the same issue running pfsense V2.0.1 on KVM.
I noticed that I had some systeme- time issues (I'm running on a mobile CPU).
I resolved it with the following options:
Go to the shell, and with vi edit the following files:- /etc/sysctl.conf: append: kern.timecounter.hardware=TSC ….at the end
- /boot/loader.conf: append: kern.hz="100" ....at the end
...restart, so far - CPU usage OK ;)
Good luck,
Chris -
- /etc/sysctl.conf: append: kern.timecounter.hardware=TSC ….at the end
- /boot/loader.conf: append: kern.hz="100" ....at the end
...restart, so far - CPU usage OK ;)
Thanks for the tip :).
But no-go on my end ???. Still the same, running @ 1800-2400 MHz(according to ESXi) for only 20 Mbps traffic.
pfSense shows only 4% CPU usage.It sounds to me that it must be close to the network part between the guest(pfSense higher than 1.2.3) and host.
Because my 1.2.3 guest that only has approx. 1,2 Mbps of traffic shows approx. 29 MHz according to ESXi.I am running a Sony Ericsson USB connected UMTS cellular phone as a backup WAN. Have not excluded it as
the culprit. That is the reason why i have a pfSense 2.x running, because of the UMTS backup.
1.2.3 did not have support for these kind of connections so it takes care of a different part of the network. -
I would try "harder" to eliminate the VMWare CPU throttling effects… did you try something like this: http://communities.vmware.com/thread/87794
Add in /boot/loader.conf:Disable CPU frequency/voltage throttling control
hint.acpi_throttle.0.disabled=1Disable local APIC timers (FreeBSD 8+)
Reduce interrupt rate (at the cost of slightly increases response time)
Saves 128 interrupts per second per core at the cost of reduced scheduling precision
Add in /etc/rc.conf:
Turn off all CPU core clocks on idle
economy_cx_lowest="C2"Disable background fsck at boot
also, are you getting the high CPU only on traffic or also when there is zero activity?
Did I get that right that you forward the USB- modem to the guest?Cheers,
Chris -
I would try "harder" to eliminate the VMWare CPU throttling effects… did you try something like this: http://communities.vmware.com/thread/87794
Add in /boot/loader.conf:Disable CPU frequency/voltage throttling control
hint.acpi_throttle.0.disabled=1Disable local APIC timers (FreeBSD 8+)
Reduce interrupt rate (at the cost of slightly increases response time)
Saves 128 interrupts per second per core at the cost of reduced scheduling precision
Add in /etc/rc.conf:
Turn off all CPU core clocks on idle
economy_cx_lowest="C2"Disable background fsck at boot
Will give it a try in the morning(in about ten hours).
also, are you getting the high CPU only on traffic or also when there is zero activity?
Don't know. Will have to pull the plug to the primary, secondary and tertiary routes to get zero activity. Will give it a try in the morning.
Did I get that right that you forward the USB- modem to the guest?
Correct. Using it as a tertiary WAN for my personal network part.
Add in /boot/loader.conf:
Disable CPU frequency/voltage throttling control
hint.acpi_throttle.0.disabled=1Disable local APIC timers (FreeBSD 8+)
Reduce interrupt rate (at the cost of slightly increases response time)
Saves 128 interrupts per second per core at the cost of reduced scheduling precision
Add in /etc/rc.conf:
Turn off all CPU core clocks on idle
economy_cx_lowest="C2"Disable background fsck at boot
No-go. Same result. Did not set background_fsck="NO".
also, are you getting the high CPU only on traffic or also when there is zero activity?
pfSense 2.0.1 346-373 MHz when there is zero activity. About 4905 MHz when download client(Windows guest inside on the same host) only uses 1706 MHz. Pressed the disconnect button inside interfaces to disconnect the USB WWAN connection. pfSense 1.2.3 0 MHz when there is zero activity.
Both guests on same host. They share the same physical interfaces for primary WAN, secondary WAN and LAN. pfSense 2.0.1 also uses a physical interface for WLAN network for passthrough to Captive Portal.
Imagine how expensice this would be if running in a cloud environment and you pay for CPU usage….
have the same problem on esxi 5.0.1 for both pfsense 2.0.1 and pfsense 2.1.
m0n0 and others is working great, just pfsense, And some times it use 100% cpu and loss response, the network also shutdown.
Anybody that can test the same OS as pfsense running standalone in a VM to see if its the OS or specific to PFSense?
I just checked one of our ESX 5 boxes that houses not only our builder VMs but a batch of test pfSense VMs as well - at the moment, they're all idle.
FreeBSD 8.1 amd64 host - 81MHz
FreeBSD 8.1 i386 host - 86MHz
FreeBSD 8.3 amd64 host - 79MHz
FreeBSD 8.3 i386 host - 83MHz
pfSense 1.2.3 - 17MHz
pfSense 2.0.1 amd64 - 36MHz
pfSense 2.0.2 amd64 - 38MHz
pfSense 2.0.2 i386 - 51MHz
pfSense 2.1 amd64 - 41MHz
pfSense 2.1 i386 - 49MHzThe builders are running open-vm-tools-nox11, and at the moment the pfSense firewalls do not have tools installed.
So while the 1.2.3 VM is using less, it's not significantly less. I would still hesitate to call this a general issue. There must be something about the hardware (real or virtual)/config/etc bringing it out.
Can people pls. make a list of what packages they run as well??
Can people pls. make a list of what packages they run as well??
Running a USB phone as tertiary route(only pfSense 2.0.1 is using it, not 1.2.3).
Supermicro X8DTi-LNF4 board with Intel
Dual 82576 Dual-Port Gigabit Ethernet(all four NIC's are used by ESXi to share them among the two pfSense's inside the box)
2 x Xeon x5650
LSI 9280 24i4e with BBU and SafeStore.
Some serial ports and USB ports are used, but except for above, none of them are used by any pfSense.
Can people pls. make a list of what packages they run as well??
Cron 0.1.5
Dashboard Widget: Snort 0.3.2
mailreport 1.2
mtr-nox11 0.82
NRPE v2 2.12_3 v2.1
ntop 4.1.0_3 v2.3
Open-VM-Tools-8.8.1 528969
OpenVPN Client Export Utility 0.24
RRD Summary 1.1
snort pkg v. 2.5.1
Unbound 1.4.14_01
VMware version:
- ESXi 5.0.0, 469512
P5K-E board
6 GB ram
Intel 82574L gigabit card
Intel 82576 dual-port gigabit card
Core 2 Duo E6750 @ 2.66Ghz
iScsi connection to Synology NAS
Can people pls. make a list of what packages they run as well??
Running a USB phone as tertiary route(only pfSense 2.0.1 is using it, not 1.2.3).
Supermicro X8DTi-LNF4 board with Intel
Dual 82576 Dual-Port Gigabit Ethernet(all four NIC's are used by ESXi to share them among the two pfSense's inside the box)
2 x Xeon x5650
LSI 9280 24i4e with BBU and SafeStore.
Some serial ports and USB ports are used, but except for above, none of them are used by any pfSense.
I've now tried the following with these results:
pfSense 1.2.3 ~ 110 % off(pfSense CPU usage versus vCenter reported CPU usage)
pfSense 2.0.1 ~ 710 % off(pfSense CPU usage versus vCenter reported CPU usage)
pfSense 2.1.0 ~ 720 % off(pfSense CPU usage versus vCenter reported CPU usage)
All default installs, 32-bit. Only one LAN and one WAN. No packages.
Tried using the ATA VM drives instead of LSI Parallel SCSI on 2.0.1. No measurable difference.I'm starting to wonder if it could be the pNIC's ???.
Anyone able to test with some other NIC's than 82576? Basically disabling/not using the 82576 inside ESXi. -