BOUNTY: Web GUI reprogramming
I've been working on something that uses fluis CSS3 and Codeigniter, i've been transfering some of the funcions to codeigniter MVC, here are some screens:
Not bad.
What about floating elements so drag and drop is possible….
And it can be arranged in alfabetical order as well.
I would like to implement that as well, I am using JQuery UI for all this, but I have not got the time lately, it would be great if some people like to chip in or even better the bounty would be higher :)
il throw in $20 for this. (please email me if this is ever done as I don't post much here, I mostly browse)
Amount of work to revamp the GUI would be to much work for one contributor if done right. Really would need 3 to 5 contributors working together. But if everyone which has viewed this thread would contribute $3 to $5 dollars each, Pfsense could have a very clean modern up to date GUI
Here's a quick sample login page with some style….
While it would be nice to have some improvements on usability do not over-engineer it.
Its just a webGUI for a firewall which needs to scale accros different resources of system.It is not facebook or whatever you deem modern and different scope.
Automatic adjustability to widescreens and beeing able to move things around would be nice!
The widescreen package sucks but are needed to get the widgets to stick.
While it would be nice to have some improvements on usability do not over-engineer it.
Its just a webGUI for a firewall which needs to scale accros different resources of system.It is not facebook or whatever you deem modern and different scope.
Amen to that. I for one, find the current webGUI perfectly usable and adequate (although some pages have a few rough edges, and some config options are placed in un-intuitive places and can be a little hard to find for the newcomer).
On the other hand imho there are quite a few features / bugs relating to the pfsense core functionality (firewall, NAT gateway, VPN concentrator) that could use some developer love.
I completely agree with @ermal:
While it would be nice to have some improvements on usability do not over-engineer it.
Its just a webGUI for a firewall which needs to scale across different resources of system.The original intent of this bounty/thread was to improve the quality of the code, re-writing parts of the webgui to be better standards compliant rather than adding any features.,48107.0.htmlSteve
Sample of a custom responsive website admin backend
Responsive admin dashboard template powered with Twitter Bootstrap Framework for admin and backend applications. Works in all major web browsers, tablets and phones.
Design concept is Microsoft Metro …... So it's Square. Could be adapted to same module/template layout as Pfsense utilizes.
It needs a CSS so it easy to maniplulate themes, withs and colors….
Twitter Bootstrap might would be the best route ….. Twitter has established common ground among developers concerning general css layout design in desktop, tablets and mobile phones. It was designed to be adaptable.
The sample link I gave ..... I can think of some really cool stuff that could be used with the (Regional Stats) display shown on the admin template ...... example: Pfblocker and Snort displaying gsp location on the global map of the blocked ip would be really cool.
Some might say that would be to much overhead, but hey when you have a full fledged desktop computer running a firewall, who cares?
Does it have security vulnerabilities? Is it like adding a layer on top of freebsd?
Its simply a CSS framework …... I have not designed a website yet with Twitter Bootstrap, it does have some jquery dependency's but I have not personally looked at any of the jquery code nor am I a security expert.
My best guess would be No.
Pfsense does utilizes jquery for the backend browser administrator GUI. If you look at the source files you will see....there are many many files and templates.
when you have a full fledged desktop computer running a firewall, who cares?
People running an Alix? People running a Pentium 2? ;)
People running an Alix? People running a Pentium 2?
Give the option to turn it off….or the ability to adjust the scale if needed depending on processing power available.
I do agree 100% that application bug squashing is far more important than the appearance of the application. And adding new features should be the last item on the list, as I'm sure there are swarms of bugs to squash.
But if you have forum users which have no Unix talent, they may have website design talents to contribute. It would be foolish not to utilize these talents to improve the GUI of Pfsense. This is where you should create a GUI developer leg to collaborate and work toward a common goal in the GUI development for the application engineers. If the GUI code is to get reworked, a responsive design would be a fantastic direction to head in.
There is also helium, which is much lighter than bootstrap and foundation but offers a lot of the same advantages .
In my view, a possible secondary advantage of a redesign would be that we can present information in a friendlier, more concise way.
This of course means a form of responsive design, but also an interface design that adheres to a ABC design philosophy wherein information is displayed in the order of importance, eg. A = primary information, B = secondary information and C = details.
C is usually either hidden or very discreet until C is requested. This method is employed throughout visual cueing and can be seen in film, graphic design, interior design, architecture and crossovers such as museums.When using pfsense, there seems to be little to no distinction between the three classes of information urgency. If we are able to propose a redesign for the gui, this could be taken into consideration.
This might seem somewhat contrary to what Ermal and stephenw10 said:
I completely agree with @ermal:
While it would be nice to have some improvements on usability do not over-engineer it.
Its just a webGUI for a firewall which needs to scale across different resources of system.The original intent of this bounty/thread was to improve the quality of the code, re-writing parts of the webgui to be better standards compliant rather than adding any features.,48107.0.htmlSteve
However, a redesign of code might present an opportunity to redesign the visual aspect of the firewall as well.
The way that we present information visually might even improve the scaling if fallback techniques are employed.What do you guys think?
Damn nice idea! The thing is that there is a lot of switching between menus all the time.
In ISA server, when you make a rule it pops up an all inclusive box that has ALL what needs to be set to make it work. You dont have to go a little here and a little there and if you are serious then you also needs to go somewhere else…
It will make changes and daily tasks very quick and simple. One can easily see that the GUI is made by "nerds" for technical people.
In ISA you have a right side menubar that has related things to the page you are you only have to click once to get there instead of going through several menus.
Its brilliant!
A collapsible sidebar menu would be the best direction for Pfsense …. if you test drive the custom website admin side bar menu, you can get a feel of how it would improve the user experience in navigation.
If it gets reworked a full width responsive GUI is the only direction to head in. It would give the necessary screen real estate to display a ABC design philosophy as iFloris defined. The feedback from the dash board could evolve into a very productive sophisticated visual tool.
There are many admin template examples on this is just one I selected as a example.
I would be willing to contribute some of my free time to a GUI development project. But only if the team was allowed the freedom to develop and create sophisticated visual GUI tools that Steve Jobs would be proud of. -
I agree!