Very slow web gui/non responsive using VMware 9
I recently installed VMware workstation 9 and pfSense 2.0.2 64bit
System consist of windows 7 3500k i5 8gb ram
I can ping the pfSense lan and I can ping out but using the web gui takes a few minute to load if it loads at all.
I have tried different browsers and restarting the computer, vm and etc.Any help as to why the web gui would be so slow would be amazing.
Even installed virtualbox and same thing. So either i am not setting the nic's up right or …...
I setup 2 network adapters to bridged mode.Just trying to learn the ropes so i can configure a new setup at my brothers house.
Thanks for any help.
Well small update. I tried a setup on my schools computer so apparently I need to setup of the nics differently.
Still not able to access the webgui. Time to do some reading.Thanks
Ok can some one explain how the network adapters are supposed to be setup an why? I dont expect someone to just be hand me the answer, but an explanation would be nice.
I currently have 2 bridged network adapters, which is for wan and lan correct? VMware workstation 9 is on my personal computer and host the vm for pfSense. My computer has 2 nics intel/realtek and wireless.
I want to be able to view the web gui through the same machine.Am i just missing a setting?
I have seen some people not bridge the second adapter and some do. I have read nearly every thread and watched 20 something tutorials and have not really found a solution.
I would greatly appreciate any help to explain why and how the network adapters are supposed to be setup.
Did you install from ISO or use the OVA?
The OVA defaults both NICs to be on "VM Network" which workstation 9 assumes is bridged, I believe. I know ESX uses the default VM Network (first vswitch) for that.
You should remap the NICs in vmware before doing anything. In the OVA, the first NIC is the LAN, the second NIC is the WAN. Assign them to the correct/appropriate virtual networks in your hypervisor as needed. Usually the WAN would be on bridge or NAT, and the LAN would be on a different internal VM network.
Having both bridged can and will lead to problems, but there isn't any other way to pre-set that in the OVA that will work properly.
Well I have used both an iso and ova. 64bit and 32 bit.
When I install using the ISO I set the 1st network adapter to NAT and the 2nd adapter to host-only. Then set the ip for LAN in pfSense to the Vmnet1 host-only ip. Then I try logging into the webgui and it seems like it wants to work but it will just stay a white screen.
I did manage to get it to work at my school but it still doesn't work on my computer.
Similar install for OVA. Is there a benefit to OVA over ISO?
Do you think its just a misconfiguration on my part or a hardware problem?
Thanks for responding.
OVA and ISO are equivalent in the end result. OVA is just pre-packaged already installed for a VM.
When I set mine up in VMware I don't use the "host-only" network. I have a client setup on one of the other vm nets, or sometimes I just get in over the "WAN" IP on the NAT network from my workstation. (After disabling the firewall or adding an allow-all rule from the shell)
Thanks for the quick response.
I solved my issue I was giving the em1 an IP that was already being used. I thought I had to set it the same as VMnet 1 IP but that was wrong.
So now i can play with the menus and start forming a plan for my network.
Thanks again.