Hyper-V integration installed with pfSense 2.0.1
I am truly loving pfsense at this point. Other than the calc run time error (I used "sysctl kern.timecounter.hardware=TSC" to fix it. You can run it until next reboot by typing the quoted text into shell first…Then add "kern.timecounter.hardware=TSC" to /etc/sysctl.conf via the "edit file" method under the Diagnostics menu. (speaking of that method....it reminded me that the interfaces of the hyper-v adapters (hn0 and hn1) don't show up until you add "hn" to the list of altq enabled adapters in /etc/inc/interfaces.inc (just search for "altq" in that file and add it to the list))
add into "System: Advanced: System Tunables" new value
Save and rebootThanks! Worked perfectly. Any plans on releasing a "hyper-V edition" of the latest release?
Ok. Here's my last ISO with a Hyper-V kernel
http://goo.gl/Ja36D :: pfSense-LiveCD-2.1-DEVELOPMENT-amd64-20130516-0018.iso
and my last Update source for pfSense-LiveCD-2.1 with a Hyper-V kernel
http://goo.gl/dEFjv :: latest1.tgz (2.1-RC0 (amd64) built on Thu May 23 20:43:32 EDT 2013)
About to test the 2.0.3 with hyper-v kernel, can't get any VLAN capable interfaces with synthetic drivers, has anyone got this working? Im on a 2012 Hyper-V
Ok. Here's my last ISO with a Hyper-V kernel
http://goo.gl/Ja36D :: pfSense-LiveCD-2.1-DEVELOPMENT-amd64-20130516-0018.iso
and my last Update source for pfSense-LiveCD-2.1 with a Hyper-V kernel
http://goo.gl/dEFjv :: latest1.tgz (2.1-RC0 (amd64) built on Thu May 23 20:43:32 EDT 2013)
Is the update source the file that can be used to do an inplace update without breaking things? i.e., i'm on 2.1 BETA 1 released April 30th. (your hyper-v release on the previous page) Can i just use the update source to do an in place manual upgrade?
look for the string "sleeping thread" in your error log,
if you can find it, you can try this: (helped me a lot)System / Advanced / Admin Access
Change Max Processes from 2 to 1System / Advanced / System Tunables
Change vfs.read_max from default to 64 or 128 (not higher)Reboot !
Please let me know if it helped you too.
Ps: i hope you are using the image from PollyPy
Sorry for taking a while to get back…
I've got "sleeping thread" - made the changes, still got crashes :-( -
About to test the 2.0.3 with hyper-v kernel, can't get any VLAN capable interfaces with synthetic drivers, has anyone got this working? Im on a 2012 Hyper-V
do you mean the pfsense vlan settings?
You can (should) use the hyper-v vlan settings, which you can change with the hyper-v manager.
Good news is this VM (in Hyper-V 2012) is now staying up for a few hours.
Bad new is its still making crash dumps :-(
Panic String: bpf_copy -
I can force craches when having an internal webserver and with DNS Reflection enabled on the virtual pfSense.
Refreshing the website 2-3 times in a row causes a kernel panic and a reboot.
I have taken down, and replaced the virtual pfSense for now, as this is not optimal :-)
/Kind regards
anyone with a working CARP setup?
i tried now for hours, but no luck,
it seems that the same problem with the "de" driver still exists with the "hn" driver…i get the "fa_add_loopback_route: insertion failed" message and carp stuck at init
more info here:
http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=44529.0 -
Same problem here :-\
Even after enable Mac spoofing….
This is a big showstopper for us!
I've tested the PRERELEASE ISO and found some things which are not working:
- Traffic Sharping (no interfaces shown)
To help others to waste too much time (as I did), you can simple enable Traffic shapping with an edit in a file.
In the shell, open /etc/inc/interfaces.inc and search for "altq".
There should be an array where you just have to add the entry "hn".
After saving traffic shapping should work immediately.@zootie thank for your great work, i test your image since jan and for me it is nearly perfect :)
Sorry for my bad english :)
Hello all,
i have successfully deployed the latest image to Hyper-v and after a few days of tests i decided to use it in my home router until in becomes RC or final.
All works well apparently except the traffic shaping. I have seen the post i quoted but i am completely new to this and i have not managed to make the necessary changes.
Pretty please, could someone guide me in detail how to manage to work out the wizard error?
Navigate to shell (from the pfsense menu - menukey 8 i think)
vi /etc/inc/interfaces.inc
Esc + ?altq - return
(Esc + ? is the searchfunction from vi - editor, and we search for the string "altq")navigate to the array, which you can see in the attached image,
type Esc + i (now you can write)add the string "hn", to the array, after that save your changes with Esc + :wq - return
If you have problems with the vi editor - here you can find a good reference http://www.lagmonster.org/docs/vi.html
Many many thanks,
i have succeed in the first try, thanks to your tutorial. It would have been impossible by myself or lots of hours of study to figure that one out.
I am working my way to reading more stuff about traffic shaping.
Thanks again
Sorry I've been away. Busy with life, you know. Trying to catch up. It's good to see that the drivers are working for most, albeit they haven't been perfect.
@PollyPy, thank you for keeping up and making updated ISOs.
I'll try and test CARP, to see if it works any better on my setup. However, testing on 2 separate Hyper-V servers might require some more hardware than I have available in the near future.
In the meantime, if you can't get CARP working, an alternative would be to use a Windows cluster (presumably, if you want to use CARP with pfsense under Hyper-V, it is because you have at least 2 Hyper-V servers and want to add redundancy). You don't even need specialized shared storage: You can build an inexpensive cluster using StarWind's "Native SAN for Hyper-V Free Edition" (http://www.starwindsoftware.com/native-san-for-hyper-v-free-edition).
You might not be able to store your other VMs on the free edition shared drive (for that, you'd have to look at the paid products or actual shared storage hardware), but the free edition storage is more than enough to accommodate a pfSense VM. You can still keep your other VMs on each cluster node, they just won't fail over (just the pfSense VM). Also, you might need to reconfigure any Hyper-V replicas you have setup, since the Hyper-V Replica service will be moved under the cluster (still dealing with this).
Thanks for your answer, i tried CARP with two virtualized VMs on one physical hyper-v server (yeah i know - make no sense)
I did this with and without dedicated nics (tried all hyper-v 2012 switch options)
My goal ist to use one hyper-v pfense setup as primaray and a old and slow box as failover, which sync with carp, so unfortunately i cant use a windows cluster. -
Hi at all,
is there a new version for 2.1 update and full iso
Hello there,
I'm also stuck with CARP on "INIT" with 2 pfsense vm (2.1 BETA) on Windows Server 2012. Activated mac spoofing for vNIC but not luck.
I'll be following this thread in case you have any update on this problem.
Per installing pfSense-LiveCD-2.1-DEVELOPMENT-amd64-20130516-0018.iso from Polly on my 2008R2 Hyper-V setup, I cannot get a DHCP ip for my WAN adapter at all.
I've tried going into the Hyper-V Network settings and using external (with/without checkbox), internal, and private setup. and full stopped the vm between each change.
I've shelled and did ifconfig de0 down etc. but it will not try to get an ip address.
What am I doing wrong? How should the Hyper-V network settings be?
I imagine it should be as such:
Hyper-V Network settings:
WAN - External not shared
LAN - External shared/not shared doesnt matter since I have 4 adapters on this serverInside the VM settings area:
2 Legacy adapters using the created hyper-v network adapter (Properly labeled Internet, and LAN)Now I tried using non-legacy adapters and pfsense detected and installed those with the same results as the legacy.
Any help on what I am doing wrong? Thanks.
I can connect the setup via this method: cable modem -> netgear router -> switch -> WAN port on server w/ pfsense in hyper-v
and I can get a DHCP address on the WAN port.
but if I connect it like such: cable modem -> WAN port on server w/ pfsense in hyper-v then I get the problem described above and get no DHCP address.
The cable modem gives a straight public ip. Not an internal 192.* number.
edit 2
I think it has something to do with the way cable modems operate in the manner that the first thing they see is the first thing they try to hand out an address to. IE they see the physical nic mac address and give it the ip, then the virtual mac address comes along asking for the IP and the cable modem gives it the middle finger.
Wonder how I can fix that. Perhaps clone the mac address of the physical adapter?
edit 3
Ok cloned the mac addresses, but make sure you check the box for "spoof address" under the vm settings, otherwise it won't work. :) Problem solved.
I'll run this setup in a production environment over the weekend to see if it crashes and let you guys know.
Thanks for the awesome iso!
Hi all.
My last updated ISO with a Hyper-V kernelhttp://goo.gl/evcFRk :: pfSense-LiveCD-2.1-DEVELOPMENT-amd64-HV-kernel-20130812-2157.iso
Hi all.
My last updated ISO with a Hyper-V kernelhttp://goo.gl/evcFRk :: pfSense-LiveCD-2.1-DEVELOPMENT-amd64-HV-kernel-20130812-2157.iso
just in time. I was going to reinstall your iso tomorrow on a 2012 server :)) ill let you know how it goes. Is it possible to get pfsense to realize a wireless card is available?