Assistance in blocking SMTP in LAN
Two rules then.1st rule. Pass all SMTP originating from your servers ip. /31
2nd rule. Block all SMTP originating on that entire subnet there. inverting senses needed in that case.
Should be like this I guess.
Two rules then.1st rule. Pass all SMTP originating from your servers ip. /31
2nd rule. Block all SMTP originating on that entire subnet there. inverting senses needed in that case.
But I don't know how many interfaces you have on this with clients, but the interface with the mail server will get both rules. The pass rule and then the block rule. The others just get a block rule. Except WAN. But every "LAN" interface has to be accounted for.
Should be like this I guess.
Two rules then.1st rule. Pass all SMTP originating from your servers ip. /31
2nd rule. Block all SMTP originating on that entire subnet there. inverting senses needed in that case.
But I don't know how many interfaces you have on this with clients, but the interface with the mail server will get both rules. The pass rule and then the block rule. The others just get a block rule. Except WAN. But every "LAN" interface has to be accounted for.
So my first picture was correct? right?
Right below the anti-lockout rule, add another pass rule.Pass SMTP source single host/alias /31 to any
Then your block rule as it was.
Ahh.. You mean this one? :)
These rules are ran in order as they appear in that list.
So, 1st you want to let /31 pass to anywhere it wants.
Then your want to block SMTP with SOURCE the entire subnet (This is ok, because /31 already passed its traffic)
Lastly, pass everything (we have already passed /31 and blocked SMTP everywhere else. You are covered) -
OK - Last one just needs one tiny change.
In your block rule, make SOURCE network /24
These rules are ran in order as they appear in that list.
So, 1st you want to let /31 pass to anywhere it wants.
Then your want to block SMTP with SOURCE the entire subnet (This is ok, because /31 already passed its traffic)
Lastly, pass everything (we have already passed /31 and blocked SMTP everywhere else. You are covered)This is interesting :) thanks for this info :) now i know a bit how this work :)
I'm assuming / 24 is your entire network? Is this correct? No others?
Because if you have others, you will have to apply the block rule to each interface those other subnets are on.
If you only have just this 1 LAN and 1 WAN (just two network ports) you are done.
I changed the block rule to this network… Is this correct? :) What's the diffrence in the SOURCE * and SOURCE NETWORK
I'm assuming / 24 is your entire network? Is this correct? No others?
Because if you have others, you will have to apply the block rule to each interface those other subnets are on.
If you only have just this 1 LAN and 1 WAN (just two network ports) you are done.
I have 2 WAN (2nd WAN is useless) and 3 Networks –---[SW]–----[AP]
|–----[AP] connected to a switch and going to an AP (Linksys)
- means any. /24 means any of the 256 possible in that /24 network.
There is every possibility that * and /24 are the same for you, but if its stipulated as a /24 I know for sure 100% its only affecting those computers in only that network range without having to guess of my idea of any and pfsense's idea of any were the same.
I'd hate to make a rule too general and break SMTP more than you intend to break it.
did you give that one port a /24 or a /16?
Or do you have 2 more port interfaces set up, each with a /24?
I might move the and in the network since they have low client count and normally theyre being used in mobile phones. :)
But for the block and pass rule, did we do it right? :)
Yeah all networks are in /24
Yes - Its done correctly I think (says the tired man doing 5 things at once)
I like your setup as it is. I wouldn't change it.
Except, you need to put the block rule (just the block rule) on the other 2 interfaces.
Want to do that now? Its easy. Just make sure its above the pass rule.
Thanks kejianshi for providing me assistance. I'm really new to this firewall. I might mess it up if I had a wrong configuration. :-) I'm having a problem that one of the client is sending spam to the Internet that causes us to be in RBL and low IP reputation. I hope I did it right.
Well, after you make this rule, look at your firewall logs for SMTP port 25 blocked.
Then you will know which of your computers PROBABLY has a spamming virus/trojan and wipe it and reinstall its OS.
The IP will be in the firewall logs.You can then go to the computers, open command prompt and type "ipconfig" for windows or "ifconfig" for linux and check the computer's IP
Do that till you find the one that matches the IP being blocked in the firewall logs.
Don't forget to put the block rule on the interfaces for and interface for also.
Wireless clients can spam just as well as wired clients, better sometimes if someone nearby your office is stealing your WIFI.
Yes.. At the moment I'm looking at the logs on our firewall and found 1 machine that is infected… Over time mode.. :-) thanks again.. You're a big help.