Hyper-V integration installed with pfSense 2.0.1
Hi at all,
is there a new version for 2.1 update and full iso
Hello there,
I'm also stuck with CARP on "INIT" with 2 pfsense vm (2.1 BETA) on Windows Server 2012. Activated mac spoofing for vNIC but not luck.
I'll be following this thread in case you have any update on this problem.
Per installing pfSense-LiveCD-2.1-DEVELOPMENT-amd64-20130516-0018.iso from Polly on my 2008R2 Hyper-V setup, I cannot get a DHCP ip for my WAN adapter at all.
I've tried going into the Hyper-V Network settings and using external (with/without checkbox), internal, and private setup. and full stopped the vm between each change.
I've shelled and did ifconfig de0 down etc. but it will not try to get an ip address.
What am I doing wrong? How should the Hyper-V network settings be?
I imagine it should be as such:
Hyper-V Network settings:
WAN - External not shared
LAN - External shared/not shared doesnt matter since I have 4 adapters on this serverInside the VM settings area:
2 Legacy adapters using the created hyper-v network adapter (Properly labeled Internet, and LAN)Now I tried using non-legacy adapters and pfsense detected and installed those with the same results as the legacy.
Any help on what I am doing wrong? Thanks.
I can connect the setup via this method: cable modem -> netgear router -> switch -> WAN port on server w/ pfsense in hyper-v
and I can get a DHCP address on the WAN port.
but if I connect it like such: cable modem -> WAN port on server w/ pfsense in hyper-v then I get the problem described above and get no DHCP address.
The cable modem gives a straight public ip. Not an internal 192.* number.
edit 2
I think it has something to do with the way cable modems operate in the manner that the first thing they see is the first thing they try to hand out an address to. IE they see the physical nic mac address and give it the ip, then the virtual mac address comes along asking for the IP and the cable modem gives it the middle finger.
Wonder how I can fix that. Perhaps clone the mac address of the physical adapter?
edit 3
Ok cloned the mac addresses, but make sure you check the box for "spoof address" under the vm settings, otherwise it won't work. :) Problem solved.
I'll run this setup in a production environment over the weekend to see if it crashes and let you guys know.
Thanks for the awesome iso!
Hi all.
My last updated ISO with a Hyper-V kernelhttp://goo.gl/evcFRk :: pfSense-LiveCD-2.1-DEVELOPMENT-amd64-HV-kernel-20130812-2157.iso
Hi all.
My last updated ISO with a Hyper-V kernelhttp://goo.gl/evcFRk :: pfSense-LiveCD-2.1-DEVELOPMENT-amd64-HV-kernel-20130812-2157.iso
just in time. I was going to reinstall your iso tomorrow on a 2012 server :)) ill let you know how it goes. Is it possible to get pfsense to realize a wireless card is available?
Dear all
After struggling with Performance problems on Hyper-V using the official builds, i tested this one and in rocks!
Thanks to all involved!
Do i still have to restart the WAN-Adapter after every reboot to receive a dhcp ip address or is this issue solved in the last version?
Do i still have to restart the WAN-Adapter after every reboot to receive a dhcp ip address or is this issue solved in the last version?
I solved this problem after setting all the NIC to 100/full.
Do i still have to restart the WAN-Adapter after every reboot to receive a dhcp ip address or is this issue solved in the last version?
The previous 2 builds I have not had that issue you are describing.
Is there any way how to get Vlans on Guest(pfsense) working?
PS : nice job ;)
You should add network adapters and configure vlans using Hyper-V, not pfsense itself.
I'm very new in freedsd and pfsense.
About the WAN problem, is there a way to check in a startup script, if the wan adapter has a dhcp ip address assigned? And if no, the wan adapter will be restartet and the dhclient will be run again?
Sorry for my bad english.
What exactly do you mean with "WAN problem"?
As i know, you shouln't need any start script since the integration driver….What language do you speek usually?
You can send me a pm if its german ;D -
You should add network adapters and configure vlans using Hyper-V, not pfsense itself.
Sure, but then you are limited to the max of vNICs you can add.
You should add network adapters and configure vlans using Hyper-V, not pfsense itself.
Sure, but then you are limited to the max of vNICs you can add.
Sorry, never needed that many NICs so never had this issue :)
Is there a chance we will see pfsense officially supported on Hyper-v in near future?
Hi all.
My last updated ISO with a Hyper-V kernelhttp://goo.gl/evcFRk :: pfSense-LiveCD-2.1-DEVELOPMENT-amd64-HV-kernel-20130812-2157.iso
Hi PollyPy
Which procedure you use to create your pfsense-Hyper-V builds? Do you have a step-by-step manual which is understandable for a Linux dummie like me?
Hi PollyPy
Which procedure you use to create your pfsense-Hyper-V builds? Do you have a step-by-step manual which is understandable for a Linux dummie like me?
Have you 2.1-RC1-HV.ISO?