Cannot reach LAN network via OpenVPN tun
The rule you show is on WAN to let the VPN client connect in - a good thing.
You also need rule/s on the OpenVPN tab to pass traffic flowing inside the tunnel from clients to the LAN…
You have also assigned an interface to one of your VPNs - called OPENVPNTAP. In the config we are discussing, I don't think that is necessary. If you have a reason to need it, then it is the thing that will need rule/s to pass traffic arriving inside the tunnel.I just added an Any/Any rule to the OpenVPN tab, as well as the openvpntap tab. I think you're right though. This is NOT being used as a TAP Bridge, so this isn't necessary.
Either way with the any any rules added, nothing changed. I just uninstalled the client and reinstalled with admin rights and then ran the GUI with admin rights to be sure.
I feel like I'm missing something stupid simple.
Yeah - But for windows8 there is an extra hitch sometimes:
Look at very bottom of this page.
I followed that tutorial to the T. The only think I didn't do is the route-method.exe on my config file. but only because I don't have an OpenVPN config file. I used the PfSense client export.
strange - Is this an issue where you can reach your LAN by IP directly or is it only when relying of DNS?
Tick the Topology checkbox, disconnect, reconnect and try again.
P.S. Ping is NOT a good test with Windows boxes. At all. Mostly blocked.
What I always try to do is reach a windows share by IP - if that works pretty much anything will.
But that doesn't mean DNS will resolve correctly if there is something wrong elsewhere on the windows box.
strange - Is this an issue where you can reach your LAN by IP directly or is it only when relying of DNS?
I can't reach it at all. I'm not even allowing DNS over the vpn. this is all IP based trouble shooting. I cannot reach the LAN gateway, and I also cannot ping the IP addr the firewall should have in the VPN tunnel
Tick the Topology checkbox, disconnect, reconnect and try again.
P.S. Ping is NOT a good test with Windows boxes. At all. Mostly blocked.
I know windows firewall and all, but I can't even ping the gateway on the LAN interface
What I always try to do is reach a windows share by IP - if that works pretty much anything will.
But that doesn't mean DNS will resolve correctly if there is something wrong elsewhere on the windows box.
can't reach any shares.
Let me state again: Tick the Topology checkbox, disconnect, reconnect and try again.
Let me state again: Tick the Topology checkbox, disconnect, reconnect and try again.
I already did. It didn't work
I already did. It didn't work
On another note, NetBIOS is disabled by default as well (yet another checkbox). And on yet another note, turn off the Windows firewall before doing any of these tests.
I already did. It didn't work
On another note, NetBIOS is disabled by default as well (yet another checkbox). And on yet another note, turn off the Windows firewall before doing any of these tests.
okay, but this doesn't solve that I can't PING THE GATEWAY.
My tests include
- attempt to reach a windows share by IP - Server 2012 definitely has this and hosts on the LAN are definitely able to reach it
- RDP to the machines - RDP is DEFINITELY allowed. if I port forward over WAN I can RDP to the machines
- ping the LAN gateway - hosts on the LAN are able to do this.
- ping the machines - hosts on LAN are able to do this.
And you are re-exporting and reinstalling the client config after you make changes to openvpn server?
As said above. And in addition:
Simplify the thing for basic testing so that stupid things like "I'm not even allowing DNS over the vpn" are out of the way! Get the crappy Windows firewalls out of way as well. Make the things wide open UNTIL you can get basic things working. You can tighten things up AFTER that. Noone's interested in debugging something for days only to turn out that the issue is totally unrelated to pfSense. (And on that note, getting a sane OVPN client for testing would help as well. No, W8 is not one.)
As said above. And in addition:
Simplify the thing for basic testing so that stupid things like "I'm not even allowing DNS over the vpn" are out of the way! Get the crappy Windows firewalls out of way as well. Make the things wide open UNTIL you can get basic things working. You can tighten things up AFTER that. Noone's interested in debugging something for days only to turn out that the issue is totally unrelated to pfSense. (And on that note, getting a sane OVPN client for testing would help as well. No, W8 is not one.)
I feel like I should really worry about being able to ping the LAN gateway before worrying about anything else, but fine firewalls are off.
I have a win 7 client too. same deal.
I just got a road warrior OpenVPN going on my Win8 laptop again. It uses tunnel and I get allocated 10.
4950.80.4/30 (server .5 client .6) OpenVPN manages these IP addresses inside the tunnel.
I can ping but NOT
So I suggest you try ping - that should work, not the .5 IP. -
I just got a road warrior OpenVPN going on my Win8 laptop again. It uses tunnel and I get allocated (server .5 client .6) OpenVPN manages these IP addresses inside the tunnel.
I can ping but NOT
So I suggest you try ping - that should work, not the .5 IP.I cannot ping
I cannot ping
It really does sound like a firewall rule somewhere is not allowing this. Look in the firewall log when you try to ping, is anything being logged? Do you have any floating rules that would match this ping?
If you are not using the OPENVPNTAP interface assignment for anything you intended, then I would remove it and go back to having just the generic OpenVPN tab - that will remove one complication.
Post some actual screenshots of rules when you are feeling really stuck. -
I cannot ping
It really does sound like a firewall rule somewhere is not allowing this. Look in the firewall log when you try to ping, is anything being logged? Do you have any floating rules that would match this ping?
If you are not using the OPENVPNTAP interface assignment for anything you intended, then I would remove it and go back to having just the generic OpenVPN tab - that will remove one complication.
Post some actual screenshots of rules when you are feeling really stuck.I already have posted my firewall rules. The openvpn tab of rules just has 1 any any rule.
Well there has to be a firewall rule messed up somewhere. I just tried to ping my LAN network from the PfSense box's OpenVPN interface and it can only hit the gateway, not any other host on the LAN.
What firewall rules are necessary for this to work? I already ahve a rule on the OpenVPN tab that says allow allow anything to LAN

so this is really starting to piss me off. I just said fuck it and deleted the VON server and all the certs and firewall rules that were associated with it, and went through the wizard to set up the new OpenVPN instance, and I followed a youtube vid to the T.
the wizard created the firewall rules for me so I KNOW they're right….
STILL I cannot ping the other end of the tunnel, nor the LAN gateway, nor anything on the LAN. I am now testing on a different PC (win 7) on a completely different network than the original PC (to rule out anything inbetween me and the PfSense box.)
Maybe you should just try different test than "ping". Seriously, this whole thing works out of the box in five minutes, no need to waste days. If you screwed so much that it's not fixable, go reinstall from scratch, incl. all you rules.