WAN DHCP does not renew
Can you packet capture that failure and email me the pcap file (cmb at pfsense dot org) with a link to this thread?
I think it's likely from "ip length 323 disagrees with bytes received 324" but why you're seeing that isn't clear without a pcap.
I can`t reproduce the issue…
If I power-cycle modem it does connect without a problem...
Or if I reboot pfsense it also reconnects fine...Its very specific problem, if you have any idea at all how to reproduce it, then I can produce pcap without problem...
And one more thing…
It does obtain gateway IP address but iface IP 85.XX.XX.XX is not there...
Gateway shows as pending but its IP is listed...
So its like all is fine except iface IP address is missing :)
If it's a renewal issue, it should happen every 30 minutes since your lease appears to be 1 hour. Does it not start logging that after 30 minutes?
What do you mean by logging?
In DHCP logs there is dhclient but it won`t renew it even after 1 hour…
But this is very specific, it happened only 2 times in 3 months and there is no way I can think of on how to reproduce it.
im also seeing similar issues
Can you reproduce?
I can`t tell if 2.1 did the same as I was using PPPoE back then :)
for me its an internal 3g router which provides internet to pfsense and pfsense is set to dhcp and at times fails to renew
Huh this sounds like same issue to me…
I wonder if this might be one of the issues with the newer version of the em driver. These newer versions were pulled from pfSense 2.1.1 after February 24th.
I was having occasional "DHCP failues" on the WAN interface (em0) as well. However, for the last few days, everything appeared to work fine again.