WPA2 is broken in the Latest 2.1.1-PRERELEASE Snapshots
pfSense server is configured as Access Point with Hide SSID and WPA2: ath0: AR5416 mac 13.10 RF5133 phy 8.1
The Wi-Fi network is seen as visible and unsecured, connects and works without any authentication. -
Did it work on an earlier snapshot? I can't reproduce a problem. If I enable my wireless nic and set it for WPA2 it won't let me on without the right key, but I'm using an AR9280 at the moment.
3x AR5212 - not reproducible.
1x AR5413 - not reproducible. -
I have not seen problems on the 2.1 release and on version 2.1.1-PRERELEASE that I have installed in January. The current version 2.1.1-PRERELEASE (i386) built on Fri Feb 28 09:36:43 EST 2014 FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p14.
Works fine here too, AR5413 at the moment.
I've done reset to factory defaults. The problem disappeared.