New drivers and em LAGG
Since new em drivers are out, I can see some strange LAGG error popping out of nowhere…
In/out errors 0/29There were no errors before these new drivers were applied BUT I can see no other errors on same PHY NIC on WAN interface...
Also all seems to work just fine.Any idea?
M -
I don't have LAGG but mu em NIC is "clean":LAN interface (em1)
Status up
MAC address 00:15:17
IPv4 address
Subnet mask IPv4
IPv6 Link Local fe80::1:1%em1
IPv6 address 2002:
Subnet mask IPv6 64
Media 1000baseT <full-duplex>In/out packets 4855015/12727729 (610.37 MB/10.93 GB)
In/out packets (pass) 4855015/12727729 (610.37 MB/10.93 GB)
In/out packets (block) 7065/60 (1.53 MB/9 KB)
In/out errors 0/0
Collisions 0</full-duplex> -
Yeah it happens on LAGG only..
I have 3 other NICS doing just fine with same drivers. -
You running any traffic shaping of shorts there?