Openvpn / port forwarding setup ($150)
Hi, there is a pfSense firewall appliance (latest version 2.1.2 as of 2014-04-24) running under esxi which needs to be configured.
Elements to set up within pfSense Firewall:
- Interfaces with static IP addresses
- OpenVPN client
- Port Forward of tcp/udp ports and icmp
- Firewall rules
- other necessary settings
Acceptance criteria / delivrables:
- The openvpn connection is up and running (details will be provided - working example available)
- The following two use cases are working:
- Use case 1: VM (linux) in virtual LAN is listening on behind firewall with the command "nc -l 6999" and from the outside you send a echo "hello" | nc x.x.x.x 6999 and it arrives on the openvpn ip, gets forwarded to VM and VM replies and reply finds the outbound way back to the originator of the communication.
- Use case 2: icmp (ping) gets sent to the openvpn ip, ping gets forwarded to another VM (linux) in virtual LAN 3nd that other VM replies with the icmp echo reply (ping) and reply finds the outbound way back to the originator of the communication.
- The rest of the communication is blocked (except for pfSense's Anti-Lockout Rules of course)
With other words: pfSense is in both use cases the broker of communication between the local VM and the requesting host outside. Packets from/to defined sources/destinations are being forwarded, the rest is blocked.
How we do that:
- We will speak either on the phone or via skype
- You will instruct me over a read only teamviewer session (alternatives: vncviewer/skype) in order to tell me what to do
(for security reasons I cannot provide you login) - We will start from scratch, i.e. we will have a pfSense firewall with "factory defaults"
Languages we could speak: German, English, French (in that preference order)
I've already made some attempts, amongst them this one: … but no success. :-(
I'd be willing to pay 150 USD (=110€) for the configuration after the above acceptance criteria are fulfilled.Looking forward to working with you!
Hereby I cancel this bounty - thank you anyways to Stefan H. who replied by PM/email and offered his help.
I'm cancelling, because I got the solution up and running under shorewall. Sorry pfSense - it's been nice with you.