Bounty - $50 to Forward My Damned SIP Ports Because I'm Too Stupid to Do It
I am a lawyer with pfSense latest version up and running on a dedicated Dell rack server in my small law office.
I have a static IP through Verizon DSL (the modem is in bridge mode). I added rules to forward SIP (UDP and TCP) ports to a FreePBX box on my LAN, but the pfsense box is rejecting incoming SIP traffic. Outbound is fine.
I would pay for the commercial support, but it looks like there's a $200 minimum and this job isn't worth it to me (I'd just buy a new router).
If anyone wants the money, let me know. If it sounds like you know what you're talking about, I will Paypal the $50 and open up the webconfig tool.
Send me a PM. Its a 5 min job, and I wont charge for that since we are here to learn and help each other
Thanks, I just sent a message
NOt reveived it yet :)
Try again.
I just sent another message
I am not getting any?? Who are you sending to?
I'm clicking the envelope icon under your profile and sending messages. It must not be working.