WEBGUI Widescreen 2.1.4 250$ (CLOSED)
ok If you happy with my pfsense_ng_fs theme which is in 2.2 … I have adapted it for you onto 2.1.4 and yes the interface statics works on all interfaces. Just some tiding up to do tomorrow/next few days. PS 2.1.5 is about to be released I believe, it should still work fine when that happens
Very nice Charlie!
Have you made the dashboard with more columns as well??
Yes done everything you have asked for. It was late last night when I finished so need to test it a bit more first. Make sure I've not missed something.
Awesome!! And you can drag/drop the widgets as you like and still save settings??
Freaking awesome!
Money has been paid. :)
Money received.
MODs - you can move this topic to "Completed Bounties" forum
Nice work.
Will the package Widescreen become available in System: Package Manager or via a System patches? -
In 2.2 it does. Not on 2.1.x
Anyways to get in for 2.1.4 as the title said?
Charlie developed it for me and it works great!
SuperMule has allowed me to release the code he paid for. Please see this thread: https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=81167.0