Firewall log
Im pretty new to pfsense firewall and Im learning by trial and error.
How do i clear my drive from all logs, please?
![pfsense fire wall error.jpg](/public/imported_attachments/1/pfsense fire wall error.jpg)
![pfsense fire wall error.jpg_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/pfsense fire wall error.jpg_thumb) -
I guess I have to format the drive and reinstall pfsense.
Why? Just ignore the old entries. They are circular and will eventually roll over. pfSense logs cannot fill the disk.
If you want to zero the existing capture file, just start a capture then quickly stop it. It'll clobber what's there.
Or find a way to run this command: rm -f /root/packetcapture.cap
Either in the shell or Diagnostics->Command Prompt.
You might need to reboot depending on what has blown up due to the full disk/memory.
I just realized that the error message I was getting wasnt actually due to lack of space on the harddrive, instead it was due to selecting 2 conflicting choices from the settings in the "pfblocker" package.
I made the mistake to include russia in the top spammer tab while also selected russian federation in the europe tab, wich somehow caused a conflict.
After deselecting russian federation in the europe tab the error messages stopped comming.
Thank you anyway for your help.
so did you track down your box asking for dhcp?
so did you track down your box asking for dhcp?
In a manner of speaking yes, I re-enabled the DHCP server and the security camera started working again.
This surprices me since before I turned DHCP server off I added the camera´s MAC adress to the DHCP Static Mappings and enabled Static ARP, and gave it a static IP.
With my limited understanding of pfsense I assumed that this would allow the camera to communicate with the pfsense firewall even without DHCP.I also turned DHCP off in the camera settings and set it to use a static IP, so I dont understand why the camera is asking the DHCP server for an IP.
My conclusion is that either theres a bug in pfsense, or my securitycamera must have more then one mac address.
If the camera is both wireless and wired, does the each connection type have its own MAC acdress or do they share? -
The static DHCP mapping in pfSense does absolutely nothing if the DHCP server is disabled. It's disabled, as in off.
If you found a bug in anything it's in your camera having a static IP set and still requesting one from DHCP.
Yes, devices with wired and wireless interfaces will almost always have a different MAC address for each interface.
mac address are unique - if there is more than 1 interface then there is more than one mac. If you device has wired and wireless interfaces then yes each interface would have its own mac. Other thing since you were seeing requests for dhcp is your device did not actual get set as static - and was asking for dhcp.. which you had turned off.
I could swear I have seen wireless access points with the same MAC on ethernet as on the Wi-Fi, but that's a bridge and not really two interfaces… Certainly never a client device like a laptop or camera.
I have never seen an access point with same mac – you can not have the same MAC on 2 different interfaces, it breaks everything about what a mac is ;)
A br0 for example or an interface you create by bridging sure it would have one of the macs of one of the interfaces in the bridge.