Web GUI Access from Internet
I'm outside the lan on some other computer
Then it should work unless you have some block rules somewhere, the wrong public ip or have some other settings messed up elsewhere.
Once its working, don't forget to change your username / pass to admin/admin and post your public IP here.
I just had a really bad sneaking suspicion that I just have to ask…
What is the WAN of the pfsense hooked up to?
If pfsense is plugged into a MODEM (not a router) and the ISP isn't blocking 443 this should already be working.
If this is plugged into a ROUTER or a COMBO modem router and your pfsense is showing some private IP (like 192.168.x.x) on the WAN interface in the gui, this isn't going to be so simple.
I'm not actually on some other computer… I'm on my own computer that has internet access. However, my pfSense has been deployed on ESXi host.
pfSense has a public ip address as well as a LAN address.
I can connect via LAN but can't connect via WAN. I know the pfSense WAN interface is configured corrected with a public ip address because I can ping and any other public ip address from pfSense interface.
Does "my own computer" have a different public IP than pfsense wan?
You can always PM me your public IP and I can try it from here….
'My own computer', has an ip address assigned to by Virgin Media of
So basically, what I'm trying to do is access my pfsense firewall from any computer that has an internet connection
If you PM me your public IP that pfsense is on, I will see if I get a GUI interface from here.
(NOTE - I don't actually think this is a good idea, but for the sake of testing, I'd do it)
I hope you're on the level - PM sent
Not working - How are you determining your public IP?
I configured it when I deployed it with ESXi host
see image
And are you sure it is working?
Can you please show the main pfsense gui?
The part where it talks about version under system information?
Does it say "you are on the latest release" or some other message?
Do you mean
Or do you mean
No - I mean the first thing that pops up when you go to
left side of screen
Version. -
I have to sleep, so here is what you need to verify - pfsense can see the internet and also be seen.
Here you go
Anybody else can help while Kej gets some Zzzzzzzzzz?
Just so you, when I turn off firewall, see below I can connect to pfsense with http://pfsense public ip address.
Therefore, I need to create a firewall rule to allow access when the firewall is enabled….
Can you help with that?
You do not need to port forward to your LAN address.
Making a WAN rule to your WAN Address will work much easier.
Go back to my first post and try what I said. Delete any port forwarding you have done with your GUI port (I assume 443)
I do this with every firewall I put in until I test the VPN from my location here.
https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=86838.msg476382#msg476382 This one you state you made it work on port 80…