Want package for squidanalyzer. INSTRUCTIONS AND FILES TO INSTALL
Ok Tools needed.
WINSCP (for your computer) http://winscp.net/download/winscp556setup.exe (windows version)
PUTTY (for your computer) http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.exe (windows version)
CRON (in PFsense from Packages)Enabled shell connections in your advanced tab in Pfsense
And these files I compiled. I did them because I don't want to break your firewall
Sorry my data is in them not sure how to clean out yet.Download https://www.dropbox.com/s/86mgj9yfc7g1f8u/squidanalyzer.rar?dl=0
this file will upload to into /usr/local/www from your PC where you downloaded them using WINSCPIn putty go to /usr/local/www and run tar -xzf squidanalyzer.rar
This should make a folder in your directory called squidanalyzer. From this you can go to https://yourfirewallip/squidanalyzer and see data that came from me but not your data yet. So next steps will provide your data
Download https://www.dropbox.com/s/bjgu1ijzsknlx6t/temp.rar?dl=0
this file will upload to into / directory (root) from your PC where you downloaded them using WINSCPIn putty go to / and run tar -xzf temp.rar
next install perl
pkg install perl5.16-5.16.3_18 using putty.. If you never used pkg command it will say you have to download and install it.. answer yes and you then run the command againNow in your browser with the firewall.. go to services and CRON
Add this to a cron job .
cd /temp/squidanalyzer/ && perl squid-analyzer -r -c /etc/squidanalyzer/squidanalyzer.conf /var/squid/logs/access.log
I put it for each hour ..
If this helps you please click the thanks button.
and https://db.tt/tr4phPVW sign up for dropbox so I have more room to put more helpful things
thanks Topper! I didn't follow your write up, but was able to use the files that you compiled to get it working on my box…
I dont see a FreeBSD port for it :-( But it's basically a Perl script with a Perl module and a few config files...
Well hope it works good for you. I know what you mean.. I will try clean up the install later.. I just finished making virtualbox work on my system so I can run snorby
Give me thanks :)
And I had to compile it using Make to get those perl files and all that in the download you got. If not done that then you would not have all those files to be able to work. You can try it right from Github in link in older posts and make your own if you want to try that also.
Glad my work on figuring out how to get it working has given you some help and you have it going
There wasn't anything that needed be compiled. All the files are ready to use right from github. You just have to put them in the right place and have perl working. but thanks again for sharing
Well for some reason for me when I did it it did not work right out of box. I had to run make on install file to get it to compile.. Maybe they updated it or something now. That is cool that just need to move files in and that would work. Make easier to make a package for it.
if someone would make a package
I keep telling myself one of these days i'll make a package… lol... with this one, perl would have to be added so there would be a pbi instead of just dropping files into pfsense... pbi are like a jail setup for pfSense... keeps the binaries away from the core files.
So tell me how you like this software?
Dont know yet… need at least a week data to see if its worth it or not. I like the fact I can have it break out my networks based on subnet... One issue which maybe a show stopped for me, it doesn't like IPv6 addresses... but still need to investigate if its my config or the software
Well they do good at updating it so maybe they will address that ipv6 issue sometime soon.. I will let you know if I see that
I don't have ipv6 yet here to test with sorry. I really not like Ipv6 wish it was not so long of length so I could remember them like ipv4 -
i hear ya on the address length but hostname/dns solves that problem
Anyone else try this yet?
me, but i do get error when uncompressing temp.rar
Parsing filters is unsupported…
Sounds like the download was not complete on the file you got. That would make it not unzip .. maybe try redownloading it
tar -xzf temp.rar
temp/squidanalyzer/.git/objects/pack/pack-ef251a8f0489dcdb37651a0598fe5e498ffee007.idx: Parsing filters is unsupported.
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.seems like it is not problem with the download archive…
Have teamviewer I will help with it. PM me with times you can let me help I work 3 till 11 every day est Florida time
Topper help me via teamviewer! Got it working!
Thnks mate!
Now I really hope someone makes a package for it since I do not have time to learn the system yet
Anyone else try this or using it?
hi ,
first thank you for this amazing reporting program
i get a problem that the report is not updated the script is well executed but the report is not showing the daily update
i try it and make it working i a different way
i download your temp file only no need for the www or perl
inside the temp file i execute the file
sh install_all.sh
it will create all the files and path needed
install -m 755 squid-analyzer /usr/local/bin/
install -m 644 resources/sorttable.js /var/www/squidanalyzer/
install -m 644 resources/squidanalyzer.css /var/www/squidanalyzer/
install -m 644 resources/flotr2.js /var/www/squidanalyzer/
install -m 644 resources/images/logo-squidanalyzer.png /var/www/squidanalyzer/images/
install -m 644 resources/images/cursor.png /var/www/squidanalyzer/images/
install -m 644 resources/images/domain.png /var/www/squidanalyzer/images/
install -m 644 resources/images/back-arrow.png /var/www/squidanalyzer/images/
install -m 644 resources/images/info.png /var/www/squidanalyzer/images/
install -m 644 resources/images/network.png /var/www/squidanalyzer/images/
install -m 644 resources/images/user.png /var/www/squidanalyzer/images/
install -m 644 lang/* /etc/squidanalyzer/lang/
pod2text doc/SquidAnalyzer.pod README
pod2man doc/SquidAnalyzer.pod squid-analyzer.3i make a symlink /var/www/squidanalyzer/ to /usr/local/www/squidanalyzer/
ln /var/www/squidanalyzer/ /usr/local/www/squidanalyzer/
i modify the file /etc/squidanalyzer/squidanalyzer.conf
to meet the real path on pfsense
change this area
Output /usr/local/www/squidanalyzer
WebUrl /squidanalyzer
LogFile /var/squid/logs/access.logon the cron i need now only
cd /temp/squidanalyzer/ && perl squid-analyzer
and it create a daily report at 9:01 morning
i hope that it help someone to get it working
![Screen Shot 2015-02-21 at 2.23.41 PM.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/Screen Shot 2015-02-21 at 2.23.41 PM.png)
![Screen Shot 2015-02-21 at 2.23.41 PM.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/Screen Shot 2015-02-21 at 2.23.41 PM.png_thumb)