Squid3 - New GUI with sync, normal and reverse proxy
…and if I try to run through transparent I get no data through unless it is application that uses and IP instead of a domain name to get the connection. Is there a problem with DNS ?I use DNS Resolver the new one they say.. The DNS Fordwarder didn't work for me so I use that now.. But all is well without Squid.
Sadly, the issue persists after updating to 3.4.10_2 pkg 0.2.1.
Same here on 3.4.10_2 pkg 0.2.5.. Transparent still gives no net unless secure https .. then of course it don't go through proxy (not have it setup to do https) so all works there.. but all other pages show can't find page
Same here on 3.4.10_2 pkg 0.2.5.. Transparent still gives no net unless secure https .. then of course it don't go through proxy (not have it setup to do https) so all works there.. but all other pages show can't find page
Squid Transparent proxy is working on 2.2 with or without ssl interception.
What you get on squid/cache logs?
I have 2.2-RELEASE (i386) with Squid 2.7.9 pkg v.4.3.6 (and Lightsquid who stopped working after last upgrade).
I need IPv6 support, so i think Squid3 is my only option.
Shall i uninstall Squid 2.7.9 first?
Is Lightsquid compatible with Squid3 (when they fix new problems)?
I have 2.2-RELEASE (i386) with Squid 2.7.9 pkg v.4.3.6 (and Lightsquid who stopped working after last upgrade).
I need IPv6 support, so i think Squid3 is my only option.
Shall i uninstall Squid 2.7.9 first?
Is Lightsquid compatible with Squid3 (when they fix new problems)?
uninstall 2.7.9 then install squid3… squid 3 does support IPv6, but it doesn't listen on an IPv6 address tho. So clients would need to connect to ipv4:3128. You can however in advance options add an IPv6 interface e.g http_port [xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxx.xxx]:3182
lightsquid still has issues with its pbi but search for my workaround to get it working. It is compatible with squid3
uninstall 2.7.9 then install squid3… squid 3 does support IPv6, but it doesn't listen on an IPv6 address tho. So clients would need to connect to ipv4:3128. You can however in advance options add an IPv6 interface e.g http_port [xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxx.xxx]:3182
lightsquid still has issues with its pbi but search for my workaround to get it working. It is compatible with squid3
Thanks a lot.
I can live with v4 clients, and i will try the custom addition.
I want IPv6 Internet behavior for Squid because my 6to4 Tunnel ends in a (very) faster local Gate (International circuits much larger/faster than my ISP's one).
Hello pfSense Gurus!
I have been using pfSense for about 2 years now and I love it. One of my favorite features has come to be Squid2 and Squid3. Right now I am using Squid3 to run both proxy and reverse proxy.
Using this forum thread and other threads on this forum I have my reverse proxy running. There are two questions if have to make it work perfectly:
1. How can I force Squid3 (the reverse proxy part in pfSense) to suppress the addition headers identifying the host as Squid? (picture of my headers attached.[Contained in the red box])
2. How can I get Squid (reverse proxy) to forcefully cache static (text/HTML) content?
Squid3 will query my web server on the local network every time I connect. I have two remote machines that I use for testing. When I look in my Squid logs both machines show their remote IP address separately and each time it says "TCP_MISS/200". (Picture attached)
I have a openVPN connection between two networks. One network is the public IP(site B) I use to run my website and the other network is my private network(site A). It works right now and the DNS has no problems resolving.
When i check the headers (in my example[contained in blue box]) it says that is has not changed for two days and has an eTag. That header is from Apache server itself(I have checked headers on localhost using [curl -I]).
If I understand how the reverse proxy is supposed to be working. Since it is being presented with a not changed since date it should be caching it at (site B), but instead it queries (site A) for each call.
tl;dr - Need help suppressing Squid's headers in reverse proxy mode and forcing the reverse proxy to cache static content.

Hi marcelloc/pfsense squid folks.
I've been using squid3/squidguard setup in a redundant CARP pair setup for quite some time and was just cooking up a new pair for a new site and ran into a problem that I guess I've pretty much always had.
Sync to configured system backup server - never sync's to the backup. The configured system backup server is working as expected sharing my DHCP/DNS/Firewall rules but I have always had to turn on..
Sync to host(s) defined below - set the same server as I use in the system config and then everything does get copied over to the backup.
Since it was easy to fix/workaround it never really bothered me much but I'm just setting up a brand fresh install of 2.2.1 and it seems to still happen. Am I the only one?
How do I add this list http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt to squid3? or do I need squidGuard ?
Daniel -
How do I add this list http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt to squid3? or do I need squidGuard ?
Danieli think you need squid guard
How do I add this list http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt to squid3? or do I need squidGuard ?
Danieli think you need squid guard
Okay, have idea how? or if there are any good guide…
How do I add this list http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt to squid3? or do I need squidGuard ?
Danieli think you need squid guard
Okay, have idea how? or if there are any good guide…
I'd be VERY interested in the same feature.
How do I add this list http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt to squid3? or do I need squidGuard ?
Danieli think you need squid guard
Okay, have idea how? or if there are any good guide…
I'd be VERY interested in the same feature.
I create this list myself. It's just one (domains) big list, which I pack together with f.i. shalla or mesd.
My main OS is Arch Linux, I use a program called hosts-update see https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/hosts-update/
From the hosts file, which is basically the MVPS list, I create the 'domains' file, which can be used by squidguard.If there is interest, I could place this list (mvps only) on github.
Does the version on the pfsense packages ie:
platform: 2.2contain support for HTTP/1.1 ?
We are having a problem with keep-alives that need this support.
ThanksBTW the link https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense-packages/commits/master/config/34 that is on the version number leads to a 404.
BTW the link https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense-packages/commits/master/config/34 that is on the version number leads to a 404.
That should probably be this one then:
https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense-packages/tree/master/config/squid3/34 -
I am still experiencing the same problem.
I've got the time last week to reinstall pfsense amd-64 and the same problem exists.
So my solution right now is to reboot pfsense everyday using CRON @ 1 am. That way pfsense will be alive the next working day.
I'm suspecting one of the packages installed is messing it up at 12 midnight so I do a cron to reboot the machine @ 1am daily.
To heimdal, you can install the CRON package then add a cron task:
0 1 * * * root /sbin/reboot
I hope the fix will be released soon.
for some wierd reason im getting this too, a look at the logs doesnt show much so its been one of those evil bugs that dont leave any traces. i did mitigate it by simply seting up a cron job that runs squid at 12.15 am …
currently i have squid, squidguard, ntopng and freeradius setup and running its just this but that is "bugging" me
I need IPv6 support, so i think Squid3 is my only option.squid 3 does support IPv6, but it doesn't listen on an IPv6 address tho. So clients would need to connect to ipv4:3128. You can however in advance options add an IPv6 interface e.g http_port [xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxx.xxx]:3182
How can I use IPv6 with the Reverse Proxy? I currently listen on IPv4/80 and IPv4/443 and would like to additionally listen on IPv6.
Interesting error, while AV is enabled while navigating to most websites (not all websites) I get TAG_NONE/500 Status error. Any suggestions?
How do I add this list http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt to squid3? or do I need squidGuard ?
Wouldn't pfBlockerNG work better in this case?
whats new in 0.2.9?