Does LAN traffic pass through pfSense?
So I have a pfSense box functioning as a router. It has a WAN and LAN interfaces. I have a switch connected to the LAN interface.
Does the traffic passing through that switch in any way go through pfSense? Can I forbid communications between say all PCs on the network? I'm only interested in allowing them to access WAN
So on the LAN interface, when I edit the rule, what's the point in choosing the LAN option as the destination? If that can't be prevented anyway
That rule you are creating is completely pointless.
Thanks for the answer.
If you don't want devices on the switch from communicating with each other, then you need to break them up into their own VLANs. The whole point of a switch is to allow all devices to communicate. The physical analogy is to have a port for each computer on your firewall, then you firewall could block them from talking to each other.
if you don't want lan devices talking to each other look into private vlan.