BandwidthD on NanoBSD builds
I am curious is anyone knows just how statistic tracking packages like BandwidthD, Ntop, or Darkstat run on NanoBSD builds of PFSense? How is the data logging handled? Is this stuff written to RAM disk or will it constantly write to the NanoBSD filesystem (typically locked in RO mode on your flash drive)?
Bandwidthd writes its data in /var memory disk. There is nothing in Bandwidthd package to save that data to nanoBSD permanent storage. You can select to send the data to a PostGreSQL database running on another system somewhere.
Thanks for confirming, Phil.
Do you know if the packages Darkstat or NTOP store their data in the same way?
Bandwidthd writes its data in /var memory disk. There is nothing in Bandwidthd package to save that data to nanoBSD permanent storage. You can select to send the data to a PostGreSQL database running on another system somewhere.
writing data to /var is because to prologn the life of flash media ..
is there any way whre we can backup these at specific interval to flash ? -
I would like to use my Synology as repository for Bandwidthd but I only find mariadb as standard package.
Would this be compatible ?Or would you have another idea ?