Squid and SquidGuard not starting
This is happening because squidguard on pfsense is adding redirect_program and url_rewrite_program params. The second one is fine for squid3 but it's not working with squid2.
Deleting url_rewrite directives from proxy Custom Options solves the problem untill next reboot. You can edit squidguard_configurator.inc on /usr/local/pkg to avoid this. -
Well there you go. I don't use squid2.
SquidGuard 1.4_7 pkg v.1.9.14 + Squid 2.7.9 or Squid 3.4.10
After reboot box, Squid and SquidGuard not starting….
SquidGuard 1.4_7 pkg v.1.9.14 + Squid 2.7.9 or Squid 3.4.10
After reboot box, Squid and SquidGuard not starting….
Good Evening,
I experienced this same issue & researched it for a couple of months. I am currently running the current Squid3 with SquidGuard. Each time pfSense reboots, you must go into the Proxy Filter & re-download the blacklist. After the blacklist downloads, both Squid3 & SquidGuard will automatically come back to life. I have no idea why this is occurring or why this works, but it seems to do the trick.
me too squidguard with squid 3.4 cant start :'(
I found that If i add a whitelist in target categories and set it allow or white
Reboot pfsense, Squid and SquidGuard starting….
It's strange
Yep, I had the same problem. You just need to create at least one entry under the Target Categories tab and then both services will start.
^This is working for me, for now.
i thinj hat i might have the same problem as this
https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=92545.0what is this whtelist solution may i ask could i have some more info please ?
please follow the below
great news that seems to of fixed it :D
thanks sir its work :D