NAT Type 3 on PS4 - I've tried everything I can think of
"Except I still don't know why both the console and game want ports 80 and 443 Inbound."
They don't - one thing I will agree with is the documentation of what games or features need what is completely lacking in useful details for anyone to use.. You sure and the hell do not need inbound port 80 to your xbox. And that would be broken on vast majority of isp in the first place since most of them block inbound to 80 - because your NOT allowed to run servers, etc..
I had buddy sniff his traffic, and the only port needed inbound was that 3074 port.. 88 was used outbound to auth on.. Didn't see any other ports in the sniffs.
A simple look at the sniffs from pfsense diag with your consoles IP address as the filter will tell you exactly what would be needed…
Lazy in what -- breaking stuff.. You do not need static source ports for anything console games that I could ever think of.. Its just never going to be designed to work through 99% of home routers... You thinking that fixed anything is just not likely.. I can only think of a few things that might need this, like IKE with udp 500 back in the day. Today that should not be required.
It was more a retorical question to myself :-)
For PlayStation I know they do use from extra ports.
Havent sniffed it's traffic yet, but for example Party chat with headsets really needs a certain (or mulitple, I forgot) ports Inbound open.
No doubt Outbound as well to set things up.And as for NAT type 2 (Open NAT? for Xbox) it needs Outbound port(s) open too.
When I have this set up more nicely, I will try to check the logs more closely. -
Why would not ALL ports be open outbound?? This is a home connection, I see no reason what so ever to block outbound traffic on any port that my console might need.. The default lan rule is any any..
While yes if you are doing any voip IP stuff then I would assume some sort of inbound port prob used, 5060 would come to mind. If talking xbox - isn't it support to use ipv6 which makes all the nat problems go away?
If having issues with xbox I would look to getting ipv6 working!
IPv6 it's not offered by my ISP yet.
All ports are open outbound, except not with Static Port (as by your recommendation).
And that I need to get a NAT Type 2 or Open NAT.What I am doing right now, is letting the ports needed by the PS4 and the game allow the use of Static Port on Outbound traffic.
Or at least, I am in thr progress of setting it up and then testing. -
You've really confused me here.
You dont like Static Port open Outbound for everything coming from the LAN.
Fine, I get that. So I start setting up NAT for allowing only ports used by the PS4 and the game to Outside.
But that doesnt make sense because after all that comes the any/any rule for traffic coming in on LAN going everywhere.
But setting up Rules is even more so no workable as you can't set port ranges there.So what is so wrong with me having port forwarding specific ports to the PS4, but allowing only traffic coming from the PS4 to have Static Port enabled?
What am I missing now?
SO I was experiencing this issue to and I thought I would post what I did to get around this problem. As it stands, from reading up on the PS4 since I play destiny as well, the PS4 needs uPnP for certain functions. The problem has two parts. The first pfSense does not automatically turn this setting on and you must enable it as well and the first option below it (i'll post the name when I get home) so that pfsense will respond to uPnP requests. The second part of the problem is the PS4 itself; which provides no setting to enable or disable uPnP. What the PS4 attempts to do is negotiate the connection on startup. What must be done each time you hop onto play on PSN is start your game and wait till you receive the TYPE-3 NAT notice. Once you see it, press the play station button and go to the settings\network and click test connection. What this does is force the PS4 to renegotiate the connection with the game running. You will be disconnected from the server while running the test and when you start the game back up you should at least have a type 2 NAT.
You don't need UPnP, just forward the correct ports and set them as static in outbound.
Som games might require additional ports. If you need additional ports, just add them in the alias page.PS4 in the pictures is your static PS4 IP on your LAN.

Or you can use my settings without having to much port forwards in it so here's my screenshot for my currently settings if you want to try this first. It will work with everything, like as PSN, Xbox Live, Steam, etc. in every devices on LAN.

Tried your settings… Did not work. So I read into the issue and discovered that most game consoles including PS4 required Upnp. The PS4 however provides no option to change its own setting so you have to force the console to renegotiate its own connection therefor resolving it's own issue. Since reading this and doing as I have posted, I have no more issues with NAT 3. With your settings, I still had NAT 3. The router is not the issue, it is the console itself. Therefor opening up ports that weaken the security that pfsense provides is a bad idea.
Just incase I trying to apply your setting wrong. Can you explain the steps you took in the above graphic?
It is simple. I was installed latest pfsense and setting up like this way. Here's how I process with NAT setting and also UPNP.
This is what I am getting NAT Type 2 and UPNP is available at all depending on how your way as configuration. Also I don't need any port forward. You can delete any port forward and it will work if you do same as mine.

It is simple. I was installed latest pfsense and setting up like this way. Here's how I process with NAT setting and also UPNP.
This is what I am getting NAT Type 2 and UPNP is available at all depending on how your way as configuration. Also I don't need any port forward. You can delete any port forward and it will work if you do same as mine.
I'm going to ship you +1 internet when I get the chance,
This solved my NAT type 3 internet issues with Destiny and my PS4 altogether.
Thanks a bunch guardian! -
Doing this outbound rule…Does it leave any ports open once your logged of say the PS4?
Open ports are only an issue if there is a service listening on that port.
Just to point in a different direction - I had a similar issue and couldn't find a fix for it. In the end it was the switch and the setting of the "IGMP Snooping" that don't let me get the nat type. Maybe have a look at it.
It is simple. I was installed latest pfsense and setting up like this way. Here's how I process with NAT setting and also UPNP.
This is what I am getting NAT Type 2 and UPNP is available at all depending on how your way as configuration. Also I don't need any port forward. You can delete any port forward and it will work if you do same as mine.
Sorry for the necro but that works perfectly. Had some PS4s that needed to be connected , just put them on our guest VLAN and enabled this , sorted.
Does PfSence have a user editable wiki , may be worth you putting that in there as this simple fix is hard to find through the googles
Just wanted to point out that this resolved the issue for me.
Things Required.
1: An unchanging IP address for the PS4 (dhcp static mapping).
2: UPNP enabled.
3: NO manually created port forwards to the PS4.
4:A rule in "Firewall: NAT: Outbound" specific to outbound UDP traffic from the PS4 that has the "Static Port" option enabled. The STUN-based networking that PS4/Destiny want to use cannot work with PFSense's default behaviour of randomizing source ports. -
Just to point in a different direction - I had a similar issue and couldn't find a fix for it. In the end it was the switch and the setting of the "IGMP Snooping" that don't let me get the nat type. Maybe have a look at it.
I had the same issue. UPnP uses multicast and since pfsense does not appear to IGMP join the UPnP channel the switch will block all UPnP requests to it. Turn off IGMP snooping if you have a managed switch that uses it (many do by default), unless you know you need it.
I know this is an old thread, but if it helps people in the future, I just wanted to say:
Thanks mate, your solution worked perfectly!
yup for me too.. thanks.
@geeklex: awesome, I'd've never been able to figure this out on my own.
btw. PS4 connection test shows NAT 2 even if UPNP is disabled. Let's see how this goes in the games