ESXI 6 and pfsense 2.2.1
I have seen some of yall's posts and saw that you are on esxi 6. My main concern here is getting vmware tools loaded onto the vm so that when i reboot the esxi server, it gracefully shuts down the pfsense vm. I have googled the issue and found solutions for 5.5 and some that said they were supposed to work for 6 but they have all failed.
Any input?
Works fine on ESXi 6.
when i try t run the installer, it just fails. made sure the file was exec tried with ./ prefix and bash prefix. and yes bash is installed. neither worked
when i try t run the installer, it just fails. made sure the file was exec tried with ./ prefix and bash prefix. and yes bash is installed. neither worked
What installer?
the installer from the vmware iso that gets mounted for tools install
don't install the official vmware-tools … it'll break everything
dude it works on 6 just fine.. But if you install the native tools and use vmx3 pfsense is not going to work unless you disable csumming at with ifconfig vmx? -rxcsum -txcsum -tso4 and this has to be done every boot.
Just install the openvm tools package in pfsense there you go done.
I can tell you for fact that these instructions work on getting the tools installed works on esxi 6, have done it many times on many different vms of psense.. But again if your wanting to use vmx3 nic in pfsense doing so will break pfsense from passing traffic.