Captive Portal not working With Squid3 & SquidGuard [[Pfsense 2.2]]
Hello people !
I have a Pfsense 2.2 installation with Squid3 & SquidGuard installed and properly configured and its all working fine - However if i enable the captive portal - All the internet is disconnected And i dont get to see the captive portal login page too . I never had this problem on my pfsense 2.0.1 Box . Ever since my upgrade to Pfsense 2.2 this problem has arised - Could someone Please guide on what to be done to get the captive portal working properly alongside with Squid3 & SquidGuard Packages ?
Could someone Please guide on what to be done to get the captive portal working properly alongside with Squid3 & SquidGuard Packages ?
Unless you want to fix it, nothing… It does not work. Period. Additionally, squid breaks CP files as a bonus.
Can you tell if this problem only occurs with Squid3 or are both Squid versions affected?
The Squid-pfSEnse-package (which isn't available anymore for 2.2.2) breaks pfSense.
The Squid3 FreeBSD package … I don't think it even integrates with pfSEnse. -
Did anyone Find a Solution for this ? :-\
No. Start coding… :P