Tutorial: Configuring pfSense as VPN client to Private Internet Access
Yes - I set it on each of the VLANs. currently I have 2 of the VLANs with VPN traffic and that might expand. It appears to be working great now.
Hello All,
I am newbiew here. Just got pfsense working on vmware on my i7 desktop. I am unable to connect to PIA. I have tried multiple times the above mentioned process but nothing happens. You can see from VPN start , seems to be every service is working.
Now when i go to Status: System logs: Gateways. There is absolutely nothing….
I have attached most of my screenshots, please let me know where i could use help

No idea really what's that "free roam" doing on your WAN ??? ??? ??? Regardless, that interface tells nothing regarding the topic here.
So am i at wrong place?
For configuring policy routing for LAN clients? Yeah, WAN is surely wrong place for that.
The tutorial states to turn off hardware encryption and to use BL-128. Is there anyway to use AES-256 instead and use hardware encryption?
Bump….I would like to know this as well
Not if PIA doesn't support it.
first post so scuse the newbie here….
what are the speeds you guys have been getting vs. ddwrt flashed routers? I recently upgraded to gigabit fiber, and was looking at building a machine this weekend since 40mbps through a Nighthawk leaves me a little disappointed. I looked at the SH4860 as well, but I'd rather built something myself if I can hope for anything atleast 150-200mbps
Hi all, newbie with a query here
I've followed this guide to get a vpn setup and working fine for normal use, my issue is that port forwarding just wont work as advertised, I have literally gone through a dozen guides, they all say basically the same thing and I swear I've done it all, but nowt actually gets through… My VPN provider has forwarded the relevant ports to me and says its all good on their end.
Do I need NAT reflection to forward a port through the vpn to a LAN IP? Are my NAT rules ok? Please help, screenshots are here http://imgur.com/a/iZOwd , I'm losing my mind here…
You didn't post your port forward config. Firewall > NAT > Port Forward Tab.
Hiya, thanks for replying! Its in the album now, at the bottom…
Destination address on your port forward should not be * it should be the interface address for the appropriate VPN interface.
Thanks. Erm, this might be a stupid question but which address is that? All traffic for that pc goes from the LAN through my Iceland VPN interface so is it the virtual address of that VPN interface or my LAN interface? And since my VPN interfaces are using "IPv4 Configuration Type: None", wont the virtual address change over time? i dont think I can make them static…
I don't know if this will help, probs not ;) but this is a rough idea of my setup
r WAN <<< Iceland-VPN Gateway <<<<
Modem<<< WAN <<< UK-VPN Gateway <<<< All other LAN IPs
L WAN xxx xxxx All LAN traffic
In the Destination address type you select the OpenVPN interface. If you haven't assigned an interface you need to look up OpenVPN assigned interfaces. Port forwards won't work without one.
I assigned an interface to each of the OpenVPN clients in the screenshot above, the TORGUARDICELAND interface is the one the pc @ is using, that OpenVPN client has the virtual address, is this what you mean or does its interface have a different address? Do i need to setup a new interface somewhere? Sorry to be a pain but I've googled around this and can't find anything about a separate OpenVPN interface…. Thanks for your help with this, you're a lifesaver
In your port forward entry, the Destination needs to be your OpenVPN interface address, not '*' I don't know how to make it more clear.
Ok, I have set the destination to the VPN interface address, see screenshot, but the port is still not open, is there still something I'm missing? Thanks again

You need to get proof that the port is properly forwarded to you. Turn logging on on the pass rule, check the logs. Attempt a connection, check for states. Do a packet capture on WAN. Do you see the inbound packets? Do a packet capture on LAN. Do you see the outbound packets? What is returned from
You also need to test from outside.
Do all this. Don't skip anything:
Nice one, I'm on it…
Ok, we have some results,
Firewall checks, with logging on the forwarding rule and utorrent running on 62465, I'm also repeatedly trying to connect externally using a 4g connection (timedout everytime i tried a connection):
I can find loads of outgoing LAN entries on 62465, see first screenshot, nothing at all on TORGUARDICELAND or WAN for 62465.
I cant see any logged entries with a destination port 62465 on any interface, I also cant see anything with a destination As far as i can tell nothing is triggering the forwarding rule. See screenshot 2States:
There are plenty of entries in the states table for port 62465, see screenshot 3. I can't find my external connection in the table but since it keeps timing out that doesn't surprise me…
Packet capture:
On WAN i get only a tiny handful of packets coming in to 62465 from outside to my WAN IP, i.e. the IP assigned to my modem. I assume this is just random non-requested traffic. See screenshot 4. There is plenty of 443 activity between my VPN IP and my WAN IP, i assume this is the vpn tunnel.
I can see plenty of LAN activity on 62465, both inbound and outbound, see screenshot 5. The incoming packets and the returns have different lengths, incoming are short, are these errors of some kind?
On TORGUARDICELAND I can see some packets coming from (the VPN interface virtual address) to my VPN IP and the other way, this seems hopeful! See Sh 6.
I went through the common problems on the list, I think I can tick off all of them, the fact that the forwarding works when using my regular connection instead of the vpn connection dealt with most of them.
Phew, never even seen a states table before this, this is a proper learning experience ;) Hope I've done the correct testing, interpreting these results is killing me though, anything obvious catch your eye? Thanks