Performance squid3 + havp + squidguard / IPv6 in squid
My topics might fit in several boards, but as they mainly have to do with squid, I think it fits here at best.
I am very new to pfsense and have got myself an APU.1D4 bundle to replace a virtual machine host running Sophos UTM in favour of smaller energy consumption. I am very pleased with the performance but am struggeling over two things regarding Squid / HAVP and squidguard:
Squid3 seems to ignore IPv6 traffic, which is coming over a tunnel with HE. I do not see any options to switch IPv6 on. Is it not supported?
I use squidguard mainly for filtering ads at the moment. And it is shockingly to see, how many URLs get blocked just by surfing to a normal news website. But although looking on the pfsense with top shows no big CPU rates for squid, I do have rather bad performance on that sites. So are there any recommended settings for the content filters and squi to optimize the performance? The APU.1D4 has 4 GB of RAM and I got a 16GB mSATA SSD with it.
Versions regarding my installation are pFsense 2.1.5 and the latest squid3, squidguard (for squid3) and HAVP packages.
Performance is slow due to HAVP, so maybe there are some things to tune. I already tried to enable RAMdisk, but am not sure, if that is correctly activated.
It seems to be the case, that the first connection after a moment is rather slow. The problem seems to be squid and not HAVP. Maybe some kind of process priority?
did you ever get this resolved??
- Squid3 seems to ignore IPv6 traffic, which is coming over a tunnel with HE. I do not see any options to switch IPv6 on. Is it not supported?
It looks like the used verision 3.0 of Squid does not support IPv6, it only listens on IPv4. According to Squid documentation, Squid 3.1 is required for IPv6. I hope that it will bundled with pfSense, soon.