Does Squid and Squidguard work in PF Sense 2.2.2
Squidguard needs SquidGuard-devel package to work with Squid3 on 2.2.2
It's working for me in 2.2.2-RELEASE (i386)
hmm, working for me with just using the normal squidGuard (although google images are not being filtered and force safe search does not work).
if you go to google images and turn off safe mode does your filter block banned images from showing?
I'm not quite sure. While I have safesearch enabled, I can still get some juicy images if I try. I don't know if this is a limitation of safesearch or not since I don't care about it too much.
Hi KOM, Are you able to get around the squidguard filter by turning off safe search from google and search for "juicy images"? because for me it looks like squidguard is not working for google images.
squid3's transparent proxy is not working in pfsense 2.2.2 (i386).
squid3's transparent proxy is not working in pfsense 2.2.2 (i386).
Need little more details than that…. screenshots, config type and logs(if any).
afaik, squid3's transparent proxy is not working in pfsense 2.2.2 (i386).
That is incorrect.
If you install squid3 (do not enable clamav and c-icap), …
reboot the machine,
install squidguard,
reboot the machine,
install the blacklist ...
then everything is working. Do not change the port 3128 or it will not work anymore. You can enable transparent mode for http. If the machine ie rebootet, you need to fetch your blacklist again for squidguard.If you do it ins this way everything is OK. I did not enable "SSL man in the middle Filtering" yet.
I've got squid3 in transparent mode with SSL interception and squidguard working on pfSense 2.2.2 (amd64). It's even working nicely with the Captive Portal (though I am not using squid's captive portal authentication feature, only CP authentication with RADIUS/LDAP). However, I can't get the "Use SafeSearch engine" to work properly. My observation so far if it can help anyone are:
- Google searches seem to be rewritten with "&safe=active172.16.1.121/–GET" (also working with HTTPS) at the end of the search though this has no effect (can still see juicy stuff). The funny part is if I manually remove "" from the search in the URL and press enter the safe option kicks in with this same URL rewritten ("&safe=active172.16.1.121/--GET")
- Bing does not get "adlt=strict" rewritten in the URL at all (HTTP and HTTPS)
- Yandex does not get "adlt=strict" rewritten in the URL
- Live does not get "adlt=strict" rewritten in the URL
- Yahoo does not get "&vm=r&v=1" rewritten in the URL
I tried all combinations of check marking "Use SafeSearch engine" and "Rewrite" condition (just below it) always getting the same result.
I'm using Shallalist blacklist.
My next step was to try deactivating the "Use SafeSearch engine" and try manual Rewrite rules.
Hello, sorry to revive an oldish thread.
Any update on this? I'm currently using Squid3 + SquidGuard (not dev) on their latest versions and everything is working properly except forcing safesearch. This is all transparent.
forcing safesearch is not working for me.