Squid ICAP protocol error.
Hello Everyone,
After i upgraded my squid3 to and i enable AntiVirus i keep getting "ICAP Protocol error" when I try to browse http. SSL links with https seem to open fine
When I go in Real Time logs i see this:
11.10.2015 || 21:33:26 || || TAG_NONE/500 || http://www.speedtest.net/ || - || -As you see for Address is shows the URL but for Destination all i see is the dash -
Any ideas what is causing this and how to fix this?
Thank you!
Go to menu Diagnostics - Edit File - Browse to the file /usr/local/pkg/squid_antivirus.inc
Find the following lines of code :
icap_service service_avi_req reqmod_precache icap://[::1]:1344/squid_clamav bypass=off
adaptation_access service_avi_req allow all
icap_service service_avi_resp respmod_precache icap://[::1]:1344/squid_clamav bypass=on
adaptation_access service_avi_resp allow alland replace with the following
icap_service service_avi_req reqmod_precache icap://localhost:1344/squid_clamav bypass=on
adaptation_access service_avi_req allow all
icap_service service_avi_resp respmod_precache icap://localhost:1344/squid_clamav bypass=on
adaptation_access service_avi_resp allow allSave and restart the Squid and Antivirus service.
That makes C-ICAP totally useless. You can as well turn it off. Please, stop suggesting BS "fixes" already debunked many times before.
Okay thanks you guys I will just wait for a new version to be released.
I actually managed to get it going by deleting all of the advanced feature .conf
Stop&Start antivirus service and everything's fine. I must admit I didn't further investigate the issue but it's worth a try.
By the way, great job doktornotor, seriously.