I'm receiving this error:
[ There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:27: cannot define table pfB_IBlock: Cannot allocate memory - The line in question reads [27]: table persist file /var/db/aliastables/pfB_IBlock.txt]
The pfSense box has 4Gb ram and are at 7%.
[ There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:27: cannot define table pfB_IBlock: Cannot allocate memory - The line in question reads [27]: table persist file /var/db/aliastables/pfB_IBlock.txt]
Welcome to the club. This is not a package issue, also nothing to do with lack of physical RAM. It's core OS (probably kernel-level) stuff…
ok, thanks.
[ There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:27: cannot define table pfB_IBlock: Cannot allocate memory - The line in question reads [27]: table persist file /var/db/aliastables/pfB_IBlock.txt]
Welcome to the club. This is not a package issue, also nothing to do with lack of physical RAM. It's core OS (probably kernel-level) stuff…
I'm receiving this error:
[ There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:27: cannot define table pfB_IBlock: Cannot allocate memory - The line in question reads [27]: table persist file /var/db/aliastables/pfB_IBlock.txt]
The pfSense box has 4Gb ram and are at 7%.
Damn IBlock again :)
Create a second IBlock Alias for this large IBlock list.
There seems to be an issue with having that many IPs in one Alias table.
Well, some of these lists would need splitting feature until the damned bug is found.
Having issues setting up pfBlockerNG on pfSense.
Seems like an easy to fix problem if I want to write code; so my assumption is that it is also an easy settings fix that I missed.The problem is that when pfBlockerNG ingests a list, it finds spaces in the header and promptly aborts.
I've been testing several lists from iBlockList via both paid and public lists that demonstrate the same problem.The first list I tried was the Pedophile list. Here is the excerpt from the txt file which is downloaded via a gz file.
List distributed by
Sharing R@ygold Porn:
Shares Various Illegal Porn: pfBlockerNG, I have the following settings:
Alias Name: Pedophiles
List Description: i-BlockList Pedophiles
Format: gz
State: On
Header: iBlock-Pedo
List Action: Deny Both
Update Frequency: Every 4 Hours
Weekly: Monday
Enable Logging: Enable
Enable Custom Port: Blank
Enable Custom Destination: Blank
Custom Protocol: any
IPv4 Custom Addresses: Blank
Update Custom List: DefaultRunning pfSense 2.2.4
pfBlockerNG 1.10Here is the Log File from the UI
UPDATE PROCESS START [ 10/11/15 17:27:44 ]
[ ]
** TERMINATED - Header contains Blank/International/Special or Spaces===[ Aliastables / Rules ]================================
No Changes to Firewall Rules, Skipping Filter Reload
No Changes to Aliases, Skipping pfctl UpdateUPDATE PROCESS ENDED
So my first thought is to do pre-processing on these and rehost them. That seems like a poor choice to just configuring the plugin correctly. Any thoughts on how to fix this? Thanks in advance.
** TERMINATED - Header contains Blank/International/Special or Spaces
This error means that you entered invalid characters in the Header field. This is the field beside the URL in the IPv4 tab. Do not include spaces, or other special characters when naming the Header…
So remove the "-" in your Header: iBlock**-**Pedo
You can use "_" if you wish instead… -
How-to block social networks with pfBlockerNG
Install package Cron
Install FreeBSD package manager install whois
Add Cron task
/usr/local/bin/mwhois -h -i origin as32934 | grep -Eo "([0-9.]+){4}/[0-9]+" | sort -n > /var/db/pfblockerng/facebook_cidr.raw /usr/local/bin/mwhois -h -i origin as49988 | grep -Eo "([0-9.]+){4}/[0-9]+" | sort -n > /var/db/pfblockerng/odnoklassniki_cidr.raw /usr/local/bin/mwhois -h -i origin as47541 | grep -Eo "([0-9.]+){4}/[0-9]+" | sort -n > /var/db/pfblockerng/vk_com_cidr.raw
My config
update lists once a week on friday
In pfBlockerNG add IPv4 List
List Action: Alias Match
Update Frequency: WeeklyAdd firewall rule:
Thats it!
If you already have list (for example) Top20 with List Action: Alias Match, processing of files will be skipped
Because nets from facebook_cidr.raw already in list Top20Will be cool if developers add option to block networks by AS number
It is very useful -
Yes v2.0 has whois support built-in… :)
BBcan177, first of all great work on this package, it's a must have to all pfsense boxes.
I found a bug! If we can call it a bug, it can be only miss configuration.
Lets assume this scenario. 2 Lists, 2 Interfaces.
I have list 1 (IP's) have list 2(IP's) have IP
I make use of De-Duplication.
I set list 1 as Deny on Interface LAN1
I set list 2 as Deny on Interface LAN2The logs are all messed up, because He can't find out that from what interface the block is.
Best Regards
I found a bug! If we can call it a bug, it can be only miss configuration.
Hi soloam,
Its not a bug. When you use de-duplication, only one of the Lists will have IP
If you want a second list to skip de-duplication, you will need to use "Alias Native" and manually create the firewall rule… -
That was my solution. :)
Thank you BBcan177.
Best Regards
Soloam -
Hello all, just to make one question.
I what to see the complete list of IP's on a alias. So i'm looking at Diagnostics > Tables and selecting the alias table. When I do this I get a blank page and in pfsense the alert:
Crash report details: PHP Errors: [15-Oct-2015 15:55:19] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 115824003 bytes) in /usr/local/www/csrf/csrf-magic.php on line 157
Can any one tell me if it's possible to resolve this?
Thank you.
Best Regards -
Are there same way to get Alerts auto-refresh with one filter applied saved?
pfblocker NG blocking client of my NAT rule, I have Put allow NAT rule above any of the pfblocker rules. it is worked but after next cron update, NAT Rule comes down under pfblocker rules automatically. how to resolve it please help.
pfblocker NG blocking client of my NAT rule, I have Put allow NAT rule above any of the pfblocker rules. it is worked but after next cron update, NAT Rule comes down under pfblocker rules automatically. how to resolve it please help.
From pfBlockerNG General tab scroll down to Rule order and change it to
|pfSense Pass/Match | pfB_pass/Match | pfB_Block/Reject|Click save and go check your rule order it should be the way you want it
Well its kind of what the name of the package implies :)
So to answer your question, yes the package can create firewall rules to "Block/Reject/Permit/Match"…Need more info on how you have configured it to help you further.
I am currently studying the thing. Once I think that I know what is going I'll be back…
Some IPs are actually blocked, but I don't know exactly why. I am using "| pfB_Block/Reject | All other Rules | (original format)"
Are there same way to get Alerts auto-refresh with one filter applied saved?
Currently, no… That would require creating a cookie so that when the Alerts Tab reloads each minute, it could load any filter settings stores in the cookie... Maybe in a future release...
I what to see the complete list of IP's on a alias. So i'm looking at Diagnostics > Tables and selecting the alias table. When I do this I get a blank page and in pfsense the alert:
Loading really large files into the browser can cause issues… Try to use the pfBlocker Log tab (Which also might have issues with these large files) or view the files from the shell. Files are located in the following folders:
/var/db/pfblockerng/deny or /permit or /match or /native
You can view these files with your choice of file editor like vi or ee…
Sometimes after cron has run and i read the log file it has a very small number at the end which does not correspond to the total addition of the numbers on the block files.
This is fixed with a force reload and the number matches the number above in the log file. (its usually about 1/8th the number)
Another thing I've noticed is the number on the widget shown after deny does not correspond to either of these numbers and I'm not using de-duplication so why is that? And is there anything i can do to investigate?
UPDATE: BBcan177 confirmed this issue is just a timing issue and how to check it.