Squid 0.4.0 … unable to clean settings
I executed the PHP code
In Backup Restore History I have a clean actionMapping is still there !
Well, perhaps there are some sections missing? Go thru the .XML files for <name>tag, compare against the list linked above, post here what's missing. I simply don't see what's missing. Tired of staring into the code.</name>
No you know that I'm dumb
Where is the XML ?
The XML files. Here: https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense-packages/tree/master/config/squid3/34
I think it's squidreverseredir
But not sure at all because it's in the list of the thingy that shoudl be removed
Far more serious
In the GUI if you create a mappings and then removing with the cross the rule is still in the squidconf file
:o -
You need to click the Save button.
In general there is a save button no issue with thatIn squid reverse
If you delete a mapping, it's still in the squid.conf.This is not a normal behaviour
I think( but I'm not in your shoes 8)) that the mapping GUI is not well wired to the squid.conf
Maybe that's also why with a reset of squid Mappings doesn't work ? :-\
Well… Post whatever Squid settings you have remaining in /cf/conf/config.xml after the cleanup here. I think you have some god knows what version of Squid settings getting re-imported over and over and over again. Alternative, as already noted on the FAQ: do a backup of your configuration without the packages, reimport, move on.
I'll do that
In the meantime, I cleaned it myself in squid.confThanks
(that package is really a mess ;)) -
Please, test this patch via System Patches:
Apply, uninstall with 'Keep Settings/Data' unchecked.
Sorry could'nt tested it was in reunion over reunion
:'( -
NP :)