Lightsquid generates error in Proxy Report
It searches for lightsquid/index.cgi but that generates a 404 error.
I'm rewriting this package pretty much from scratch ATM, with the hope that it will at least stop fscking up Squid configuration and cron, if nothing else…
Looks pretty good, everything works here incl. cron, plus the package doesn't touch Squid configuration at all any more.
For now, the 404 error can be fixed by entering your psfense LAN IP under Squid Proxy Server GUI, Local Cache TAB, External Cache Mangers field. I'm guessing the "Doktor" has addressed this issue in the new lightsquid build.
That'd be 403, not 404. If you are getting 403, it's actually a whole lot better to let Squid listen on localhost (loopback) – which is what the reworked package tells people to do. If you get 404 it means the package install went belly up.
Just adding to the above: the updated package will force localhost. The code was broken in the first place with multiple proxy interfaces, producing random results requiring different ACLs depending on interface names. Localhost works out of the box without any additional ACLs, the only thing to do is check loopback in 'Proxy Interfaces' when doing **non-**transparent proxy. If the proxy is transparent, there's no proxy configuration needed at all, it just works.
2.42 is now merged. ;)