Fix old SNMP bindlan setting - Redmine #3883
A fix for this for RELENG_2_2 is in PR - has been there a few days. Maybe it has missed the boat for 2.2.5.
It looks like the decision has been taken to prepare 2.2.5 for release in the next couple of days: (though there have been some subsequent commits to pfsense and pfsense-tools).
As we both know, Phil, it's impossible to fix every bug. There are so many worthwhile improvements in 2.2.5 as it stands that it's worth releasing. I guess, too, that the pfSense team want to shift their focus onto accelerating the release of 2.3.-
cmb / anyone - is the plan that 2.2.5 is the last 2.2 release unless a serious security issue or erratum arises before 2.3 is ready to release? It would be useful to know, as there is little point submitting further pull requests against RELENG_2_2 once 2.2.5 has released if there is no intention to make any further 2.2 releases.
cmb / anyone - is the plan that 2.2.5 is the last 2.2 release unless a serious security issue or erratum arises before 2.3 is ready to release? It would be useful to know, as there is little point submitting further pull requests against RELENG_2_2 once 2.2.5 has released if there is no intention to make any further 2.2 releases.
That is the plan, though for small but beneficial things we may still accept a PR or put a fix on RELENG_2_2, so long as it's not a binary change someone could use gitsync to pull in things fixed post-2.2.5 even if we don't roll an official release.