Solved: pfSense 2.2.5 - Lightsquid install fails
I've been using Squid3 for a week or so, and decided it would be nice to have more visibility into it. So, I tried installing Lightsquid.
However, when I try to install it the package fails, and I am not sure there is much I can do about it. Does anyone have any thoughts? I bolded the line I thought most interesting.
Here is the install log:
Beginning package installation for Lightsquid .
Downloading package configuration file… done.
Saving updated package information... done.
Downloading Lightsquid and its dependencies...
Checking for package installation...
Downloading ... (extracting)
Loading package configuration... done.
Configuring package components...
Loading package instructions...
Include is missing!
Removing package…
Starting package deletion for lightsquid-1.8_2-amd64...done.
Removing Lightsquid components...
Tabs items... done.
Menu items... done.
Loading package instructions...
Include file could not be found for inclusion.
Deinstall commands...
Not executing custom deinstall hook because an include is missing.
Removing package instructions...done.
Auxiliary files... done.
Package XML... done.
Configuration... done.
Failed to install package.Installation halted.
Yeah, it won't work without the INC file. Simply try again.
Yeah, it won't work without the INC file. Simply try again.
I tried 3-4 times, with the same result. I'll try it again later this week. Maybe the internet is just annoyed with me today. :)
EDIT: I tried it AGAIN, and it worked this time. Thanks for confirming that I wasn't doing anything obviously wrong.
Beginning package installation for Lightsquid .
Downloading package configuration file… done.
Saving updated package information... done.
Downloading Lightsquid and its dependencies...
Checking for package installation...
Downloading ... (extracting)
Loading package configuration... done.
Configuring package components...
Loading package configuration... done.
Additional files... done.
Loading package instructions...
Custom commands...
Executing custom_php_install_command()...done.
Executing custom_php_resync_config_command()...done.
Menu items... done.
Integrated Tab items... done.
Writing configuration... done.Installation completed.
Lightsquid setup instructions:
Please visit Status - Squid Proxy Reports - Settings and read the configuration and usage instructions.
Jason Bottjen