Want package for squidanalyzer. INSTRUCTIONS AND FILES TO INSTALL
Yes, I will try make one soon for you. sorry I been away for bit..
I looked up the new version.. seems nothing new yet or I missed it. mine is still working quite well. love to see how many hits in percents and all that per day and all that stuff..shows me squid proxy is working and if I make a change I can see maybe a increase or decrease in stuff proxy caches.. Nice to have
Wish someone with package skills could turn this into package for all of us. Nice reporting tool
awsome stuff :)
But cant seem to install perl it says that its not in the repository, I also tried looking for perl it did show up on some files.
any idea?
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD repository is up-to-date. All repositories are up-to-date. pkg: No packages available to install matching 'perl5.16-5.16.3_18' have been fo
then tried installing perl
pkg install perl5
then ran your command
cd /temp/squidanalyzer/ && perl squid-analyzer -r -c /etc/squidanalyzer/squidanalyzer.conf /var/squid/logs/access.log perl: Command not found.
Thank you
I will get my notes tonight and see what can help. Just wanted drop a line sayjng i relead this and will help later today
Thanks mate really good stuff :)
When I ran pkg install perl5 I got this
FreeBSD repository update completed. 24761 packages processed.
New version of pkg detected; it needs to be installed first.
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
pkg: 1.5.6 -> 1.6.2The process will require 148 KiB more space.
2 MiB to be downloaded.Proceed with this action? [y/N]:
I wonder if there is something with your repository lists.
what happens if you type
perl -v
I get
[2.2.6-RELEASE][admin@firewall.wholesale-florida.com]/temp/squidanalyzer: perl -v
This is perl 5, version 20, subversion 2 (v5.20.2) built for amd64-freebsd-thread-multi
Copyright 1987-2015, Larry Wall
Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on
this system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl". If you have access to the
Internet, point your browser at http://www.perl.org/, the Perl Home Page.maybe type
Then your perl -v again if it not works
Hi Topper,
Thank you for the reply,
I seems that perl is installed and working i guess but when i run your commandcd /temp/squidanalyzer/ && perl squid-analyzer -r -c /etc/squidanalyzer/squidanalyzer.conf /var/squid/logs/access.log
I get Fatal no configuration file
But i do have the squid analyzer webui
See pictures
Thank you
Ah .. make sure you have this file
It should have this inside
This file is the default configuration file for SquidAnalyzer
Edit it to match your needs and copy it under /etc/squidanalyzer/squidanalyzer.conf
Path where SquidAnalyzer should dump all HTML and images files.
Choose a path that can be read by a Web browser
Output /usr/local/www/squidanalyzer
The URL of the SquidAnalyzer javascript, HTML and images files.
WebUrl /squidanalyzer
Set the path to the Squid log file
LogFile /var/squid/logs/access.log
If you want to use DNS name instead of client Ip address as username enable
this directive. When you don't have authentication, the username is set to
the client ip address, this allow you to use the DNS name instead.
Note that you must have a working DNS resolution and that it can really slow
down the generation of reports.
UseClientDNSName 1
If you have enabled UseClientDNSName and have lot of ip addresses that do
not resolve you may want to increase the DNS lookup timeout. By default
SquidAnalyzer will stop to lookup a DNS name after 0.0001 second (100 ms).
DNSLookupTimeout 0.001
Set the file containing network alias name. Network are
show as Ip addresses so if you want to display name instead
create a file with this format :
Separator must be a tabulation
NetworkAlias /etc/squidanalyzer/network-aliases
Set the file containing user alias name. If you don't have auth_proxy
enable user are seen as Ip addresses, or if you want to replace login
name by full user name, create a file with this format :
Separator must be a tabulation
UserAlias /etc/squidanalyzer/user-aliases
How do we sort Network, User and Url report screen
Value can be: bytes, hits or duration. Default is bytes.
OrderNetwork bytes
OrderUser bytes
OrderUrl bytesHow do we sort Mime types report screen
Value can be: bytes or hits. Default is bytes.
OrderMime bytes
Should we display user URL details. This will show all URL read
by user. Take care to have enougth space disk for large user.
UrlReport 1
Should we display user details. This will show statistics
per user.
UserReport 1
Run in quiet mode or print debug information
QuietMode 1
Cost of the bandwith per Mb. If you want to generate invoice per Mb
for bandwith traffic this can help you. Value 0 mean no cost.
CostPrice 0
Currency of the bandwith cost
Currency €
Top number of url to show
TopNumber 100
Path to the file containing client ip addresses, network ip address,
and/or auth login to exclude from report
Exclude /etc/squidanalyzer/excluded
Path to the file containing client ip addresses, network ip address,
and/or auth login to include into the report. Other entries will be
excluded by default.
Include /etc/squidanalyzer/included
Translation Lang /etc/squidanalyzer/lang/en_US.txt,
en_US.txt, ru_RU.txt, uk_UA.txt, cs_CZ.txt, pl_PL.txt and de_DE.txt).
Default to:
Lang /etc/squidanalyzer/lang/en_US.txt
Date format used to display date (year = %y, month = %m and day = %d)
You can also use %M to replace month by its 3 letters abbreviation.
DateFormat %y-%m-%d
Set this to 1 if you want to anonymize all user login. The username
will be replaced by an unique id that change at each squid-analyzer
run. Default disable.
AnonymizeLogin 0
Adds peer cache hit (CD_SIBLING_HIT) to be taken has local cache hit.
Enabled by default, you must disabled it if you don't want to report
peer cache hit onto your stats.
SiblingHit 1
Set the default unit for transfert size. Default is BYTES, other possible
values are KB, MB and GB
TransfertUnit BYTES
Minimum percentage of data in pie's graphs to not be placed in the others item.
MinPie 2
Set this to your locale to display generated date in your language. Default
is to use strftime. If you want date in German for example, set it to de_DE.
For french, fr_FR should do the work.
Locale en_US
By default SquidAnalyzer is saving current collected statistics each time
a new hour is found in log file. Most of the time this is enough but if
you have huge log file and don't have enough memory this will slow down the
parser by forcing Perl to use temporaries files. Use lower value following
your memory and the size of your log file, on very huge log file with lot of
requests/seconde a value of 30 minutes (1800) or less should help.
WriteDelay 3600
Use this directive to show the top N users that look at an URL or a domain.
Set it to 0 to disable this feature.
TopUrlUser 10
This directive allow you to replace the SquidAnalyze logo by your custom
logo. The default value is defined as follow:
#]($self->{WebUrl}) SquidAnalyzer
Feel free to define your own header but take care to not break current design.
This directive allow exclusion of some unwanted methods in report statistics
like HEAD, POST, CONNECT, etc. Can be a comma separated list of methods.
#ExcludedMethods HEAD
This directive allow exclusion of some unwanted mimetypes in report statistics
like text/html, text/plain, or more generally text/*, etc. Can be a comma separated
list of perl regular expression.
#ExcludedMimes text/.,image/.
This directive allow exclusion of some unwanted codes in report statistics
like TCP_DENIED/403 which are generated when a user accesses a page the first
time without authentication. Can be a comma separated list of methods.
#ExcludedCodes TCP_DENIED/403
download this file, run winscp and put in the folder on your firewall of
/etc/squidanalyzer/This should of been created by unzipping the files from my original zip. Not sure why it failed there. If file exists maybe permission?
I thought i could unzip it and put though winscp oh oh
Alright re did your guide I put
squidanalyzer.rar into /usr/local/www then on putty rancd /usr/local/www
tar -xzf squidanalyzer.rarWorked fine Then temp.rar into / In putty ran``` cd / ```then``` tar -xzf temp.rar
and got this error```
temp/squidanalyzer/.git/objects/pack/pack-ef251a8f0489dcdb37651a0598fe5e498ffee007.idx: Parsing filters is unsupported.then i exited it out to just run the command``` tar -xzf temp.rar
and got this error```
tar: Error opening archive: Failed to open 'temp.rar'??? ??? Thank you ![Clipboarder.2016.01.18-009.png](/public/_imported_attachments_/1/Clipboarder.2016.01.18-009.png) ![Clipboarder.2016.01.18-009.png_thumb](/public/_imported_attachments_/1/Clipboarder.2016.01.18-009.png_thumb)
Allright so I bought myself a new comp so I had to format pfSense tried to add it again and no luck this time i added the directory
to etc
So when running the command
cd /temp/squidanalyzer/ && perl squid-analyzer -r -c /etc/squidanalyzer/squidanalyzer.conf /var/squid/logs/access.log
I would get
ERROR: you must give a valid output directory. See option: Output
But isn't the output directory the /var/squid/logs/access.log
Thank you
Yes, I also noticed that perl version is now gone from the repository. I will have to find out what perl will work and not break a system. As far as the zip file error I think it is bad copy.. I re installed my firewall just recently so I will put this squidanalyzer back in when I do I will update the install steps again to include the new perl and new files if needed
thanks hopefully it goes well :)
Also I had lightsquid before and umm…i think it broke it :( any way to fix perl again to get lightsquid working?
Thank you
Lightsquid hmm not really looked into what it uses to run. Squidanalyzer is so much more indepth .. wish someone would make a package for it. I am not really that skilled to make yet. and not know the system well enough to know if I will break something till I try it.
I may try tomorrow to get squid analyzer going again. if so I post what I did. I got a clean machine here as I reinstalled cause of too much modding to it got it messy..
Thanks man :) you made something really special ;D appreciate your work
got this working on my virtualbox THANKS your the MAN! ;)
care to share?
Well I got it working again. I just copied the files in my tutorial into the /temp/squidanalyzer for the temp.rar (which I had to extract in windows then copy the files over to the directory.
Then the squidanalyzer.rar I copied into /usr/local/www/squidanalyzer
Perl was already version 1.6.2 in my
2.2.6-RELEASE (amd64)
built on Mon Dec 21 14:50:08 CST 2015
FreeBSD firewall.wholesale-florida.com 10.1-RELEASE-p25 FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE-p25 #0 c39b63e(releng/10.1)-dirty: Mon Dec 21 15:20:13 CST 2015 root@pfs22-amd64-builder:/usr/obj.RELENG_2_2.amd64/usr/pfSensesrc/src.RELENG_2_2/sys/pfSense_SMP.10 amd64Version
Oh I do need the /temp/squidanalyzer folder.. hmm finding which perl will work.
pkg install perl5-5.20.3_8
This seems to put the perl back and not break anything but can't get new data to come in with that
cd /temp/squidanalyzer/ && perl squid-analyzer -r -c /etc/squidanalyzer/squidanalyzer.conf /var/squid/logs/access.log /var/squid/logs/
I did have to put the files in /etc/squidanalyzer this is why some get missing config.