Email sending issue
Hello everybody,
i installed a pfsense with the snapshot 2.3 with a remote freeradius and phpmyadmin server. i wrote a script where i retrieve a php form and i send email to the person that wrote his own. My concern is that i can't send email to the address.
I don't find the configuration file of the smtp.
in php.ini i tried writing : smtp = and sendmail_path =/sbin/sendmail -t -i but without success
i configure on the GUI into system -> advanced -> notification-> email parameters. if i try to send an test email it's working.
in my script i use mail()
How to send email with a php script please ?Thanks in advance
here the code to send email :
$email=$_POST['auth_mail']; $sujet = 'Authentification portail captif'; $destinataire = $_POST['auth_mail']; $headers .= "From:"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\""; $message_mail="Bonjour, Voici les identifiant et mot de passe pour vous connecter au portail captif pour une durée de 30 min Bonne journée ! login : {$email} Mot de passe : {$mdp}"; if (verifEmail(false)) { include 'captiveportal-welcome2.html'; } else { mail($destinataire, $sujet, $message_mail, $headers); } if (mail($destinataire,$sujet,$message_mail)) { echo "L'email a bien été envoyé."; } else { echo "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'envois de l'email."; include 'captiveportal-welcome2.html'; }
is anybody have an idea ?
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