Squid causing issues for me on 2.3
I just upgraded to 2.3 last night.
I had squid installed before I upgraded.
Well after I upgraded, everything was loading slow. I had 5000ms on dns lookup for google.
My school web page wouldnt load. Couldnt connect to league of legends.
I tried to disable squid and the issue still existed.
When I uninstalled squid, the problem was gone.
I found the forum post that says to delete the old symlinks.
Well I followed those steps.
find / -type l -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l | egrep '(squid|perl|pbi)'
find / -type l -lname '/usr/pbi/*' -delete
Then I redid the
find / -type l -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l | egrep '(squid|perl|pbi)'
If I deleted the PBIs, shouldn't that command return no results?
Well I get the same exact results that I got the first time I ran the command.
So that makes me think squid is still broken.
I also wiped the squid cache and then uninstalled squid and then reinstalled squid and its still an issue. But the only issue I see on the logs is
2016/04/15 00:41:09 kid1| Starting Squid Cache version 3.5.16 for amd64-portbld-freebsd10.3… 2016/04/15 00:41:09 kid1| Service Name: squid FATAL: UFSSwapDir::openLog: Failed to open swap log. Squid Cache (Version 3.5.16): Terminated abnormally. CPU Usage: 0.406 seconds = 0.398 user + 0.008 sys Maximum Resident Size: 290704 KB Page faults with physical i/o: 0
Another page said to disable the transparent proxy.
I tried that and it reduced the 5000ms to 750ms.
My normal lookup time is like 50ms so even with transparent proxy disabled I still have lookup issues because of squid.
If I cant fix the squid issue, are there any other packages that do web caching? Because thats the only reason I use squid.
i have the same problem.
please go on the terminal (ssh, ore serial) and do the following:
cd /var/squid
chown -R squid cache/
now you have the right user and group structure (here you can see my cache directory after this fix:
[2.3-RELEASE][root@routeme.fritz.box]/var/squid/cache: ls -l
total 1216
drwxr-x–- 258 squid proxy 3584 Mar 19 15:09 00
drwxr-x--- 258 squid proxy 3584 Mar 19 15:09 01
drwxr-x--- 258 squid proxy 3584 Mar 19 15:09 02
drwxr-x--- 258 squid proxy 3584 Mar 19 15:09 03
drwxr-x--- 258 squid proxy 3584 Mar 19 15:09 04
drwxr-x--- 258 squid proxy 3584 Mar 19 15:09 05
drwxr-x--- 258 squid proxy 3584 Mar 19 15:09 06
drwxr-x--- 258 squid proxy 3584 Mar 19 15:09 07
drwxr-x--- 258 squid proxy 3584 Mar 19 15:09 08
drwxr-x--- 258 squid proxy 3584 Mar 19 15:09 09
drwxr-x--- 258 squid proxy 3584 Mar 19 15:09 0A
drwxr-x--- 258 squid proxy 3584 Mar 19 15:09 0B
drwxr-x--- 258 squid proxy 3584 Mar 19 15:09 0C
drwxr-x--- 258 squid proxy 3584 Mar 19 15:09 0D
drwxr-x--- 258 squid proxy 3584 Mar 19 15:09 0E
drwxr-x--- 258 squid proxy 3584 Mar 19 15:09 0F
-rw-r----- 1 squid squid 1126800 Apr 16 18:48 swap.statenow you can see in the cache log file with the command: tail -f /var/squid/logs/cache.log the result:
[2.3-RELEASE][root@routeme.fritz.box]/var/squid/logs: tail -f /var/squid/logs/cache.log
2016/04/16 18:37:49 kid1| Starting Squid Cache version 3.5.16 for amd64-portbld-freebsd10.3…
2016/04/16 18:37:49 kid1| Service Name: squid
FATAL: UFSSwapDir::openLog: Failed to open swap log.
Squid Cache (Version 3.5.16): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 1.061 seconds = 0.944 user + 0.117 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 157600 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0
2016/04/16 18:38:32 kid1| Starting Squid Cache version 3.5.16 for amd64-portbld-freebsd10.3...
2016/04/16 18:38:32 kid1| Service Name: squid
2016/04/16 18:38:33| pinger: Initialising ICMP pinger ...this is my workarround for the same problem you discribe
I hope i can help youRegards
Thank you. This worked for me.
+1 This also worked for me.
Squid was refusing connexions after upgrade to v2.3 … now OK with your trick !
Another good solution.
Squid/squidguard upgrade is a mess on 2.3. It's not for the easy home users (last year+ was a good year for non-techies as it's been seamless upgrades since 2.0 up till now). I'll have to manually help my friends get through this upgrade.First manually delete squid and subfolders just to install.
Then can't update squidguard, so find the post about trying Internet Exploder.
Then it should work, and need this post to solve the swap log issue.Good thing the community is here to help us!!
Thanks everyone!! -
kaj's fix worked for me! You'd think they'd have fixed this so long after the release. Even 2.3_1 didn't help. :o
i have the same problem.
please go on the terminal (ssh, ore serial) and do the following:
cd /var/squid
chown -R squid cache/
Thank you kaj!!! it worked for me too!! :)
Confirming this worked for me as well.
my error message was:
ERROR: No forward-proxy ports configured.