Light Squid Qstat showing wrong IP
what are your DNS server on pfSense?
I given 2 DNS server
and internal DNS Server on private IP
allright try something remove the and let and try that out then reboot pfSense
I did not find any option where from i can remove this please advise how i can do that.
go to the tab system on pfSense then you should see general setup click there
Then scroll down and check the box where it says
Do not use the DNS Forwarder or Resolver as a DNS server for the firewall -
Dear I have already done but still it is showing in light squid live logs.
Can you show some screen shots?
screenshot attached for your reference.
Dont worry thats normal i THOUGHT you mean something else on the logs but that just shows pfSense running squid and the port in your case its 8080 in mine its 3128 see picture
First thanks for your help and support.
i am facing another issue in light squid when 300 users were using my pfsense light squid live logs showing speedy but now 500 users are using and now i when i clicked on live logs it taking long time to display live logs.
is there any way to speed it up as it was working with 300 users.8 Cores Intel Xeon
16 GB of RAM. -
well right there i cant really help you out :(