PfBlockerNG v2.0 w/DNSBL
is it possible to whitelist with placeholders?
for example whitelist*
or how would i do that correctly?because i have a domain where videos are not playable and it looks like this -> and the id's always change.
Windows is showing the "no internet access" icon when I'm connected to my home network(see image). I noticed that when I disable DNSBL, windows says I do have "internet access". How should I solve this?
Maybe windows does a dns test which gets blocked by the DNSBL.

Already discussed @BBcan177:
I suppress couple domains and looks like the yellow triangle icon has gone away. Thanks!
Just wondering, is there any other way to solve this issue, like put the local PCs in a white list or something like that?I think you suppressed:
Recent discussion here: package doesn't have a built-in whitelist. Its up to the user to decide what to block.
Okay thanks for the reply!
I added "" to the DNSBL supression list and did a "Reload All", but that didn't solve the issue. When I browse to "" it still gets blocked. I also killed firewall states, disabled and enabled pfblocker and DNSBL. That too didn't work. How should I proceed?
I already had one domain listed in the domain supression list, and that also still gets blocked. Maybe I have some setting wrong?
Okay thanks for the reply!
I added "" to the DNSBL supression list and did a "Reload All", but that didn't solve the issue. When I browse to "" it still gets blocked. I also killed firewall states, disabled and enabled pfblocker and DNSBL. That too didn't work. How should I proceed?
I already had one domain listed in the domain supression list, and that also still gets blocked. Maybe I have some setting wrong?
"" should be "" without the quotes (")
I know :), I just added the quotes to make it more clear to see in my reply.
I also rebooted and that also didn't help.
Add both to the following to the suppress list and run a "Force Reload - DNSBL"
msftncsi.comYou can run the following to see if a domain is listed:
grep "" /var/unbound/pfb_dnsbl.conf grep "" /var/db/pfblockerng/dnsbl/*.txt grep "" /var/db/pfblockerng/dnsblorig/*
is it possible to whitelist with placeholders?
for example whitelist*
or how would i do that correctly?because i have a domain where videos are not playable and it looks like this -> and the id's always change.
Wildcards don't work in DNSBL Suppression. Needs to be an exact match…
Add both to the following to the suppress list and run a "Force Reload - DNSBL"
msftncsi.comYou can run the following to see if a domain is listed:
grep "" /var/unbound/pfb_dnsbl.conf grep "" /var/db/pfblockerng/dnsbl/*.txt grep "" /var/db/pfblockerng/dnsblorig/*
Only the last command gave an output:```
/var/db/pfblockerng/dnsblorig/ADs_someone.orig: -
maybe you need to clear the DNS cache on windows side
Hi Xmicks,
The three commands will show:
First grep cmd: If a domain is listed in the DNSBL Blocklist.
Second grep : This will show which Feed has a Blocked Domain
Thirds grep : These are the original files from the Feed…So you don't have any reference to in DNSBL....
If its still blocked, clear your browser and OS cache... If you ping it and its still getting the DNSBL IP, then its probably still in your cache....
Can use this to clear the cache from Chrome : chrome://net-internals/#dns
Now the domains are surpressed! Don't know why it suddenly worked, because I already had both and listed. And had forced reload multiple times before.
Nonetheless it workes now :D
Now the domains are surpressed! Don't know why it suddenly worked, because I already had both and listed. And had forced reload multiple times before.
Nonetheless it workes now :D
ok Next time you have some more tools to work with :) Any other issues let me know..
Alright, thanks both for the help! :)
Well there is one thing. Everytime I open a webpage on the pfsense forum I get a 403 error(see image). I then have to quickly reload that same webpage again to open it. If I wait to long(+-3 seconds) i get the same 403 error. Is this caused by pfBlockerNG?
pfBlocker is the only package I have installed at the moment. If I remember it correctly it started when I installed pfBlocker, but it might as wel be something else.

I can't find the thread, but others have noticed this also… Don't think it has anything to do with the package, as I have seen it myself on my mobile while away from my home. However, I haven't seen the issue in a few weeks...
is it possible to whitelist with placeholders?
for example whitelist*
or how would i do that correctly?because i have a domain where videos are not playable and it looks like this -> and the id's always change.
Wildcards don't work in DNSBL Suppression. Needs to be an exact match…
thanks your your feedback
could this be something to add in a future version of pfBlocker? does it make sense anyway?
Hi - I'm having some trouble with pfBlockerNG updates when DNSBL is enabled. The update process spikes my CPU to 100% for more than an a hour. I've tried manual updates as well as CRON, but no success in completing the updates. Any thoughts?
**Saving configuration [ 06/23/16 21:16:18 ] …
Adding Unbound Server:Include line... completed
Validating database... completed
Reloading Unbound ... completed
DNSBL update [ 0 ]… completedDNSBL - Adding Unbound custom 'include' option
Saving new DNSBL web server configuration to port [ 8081 & 8443 ]
Saving pfSense config…
VIP address configured. Widget Packet statistics reset.
Restarting Service DNSBL...
UPDATE PROCESS START [ 06/23/16 21:16:30 ]===[ DNSBL Process ]================================================
**Saving configuration [ 06/23/16 21:37:53 ] …
Restarting Service DNSBL...
CRON PROCESS START [ 06/23/16 22:00:00 ]
[ FookEasy ]
Update found
[ FookPriv ]
Update found
UPDATE PROCESS START===[ DNSBL Process ]================================================
What spec machine fook? If it's a Pi the likely right, it's it's s top end Xeon then somethings likely wrong. How many lists, de-dupe on etc?
I'm running an Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N2930 @ 1.83GHz 4 CPUs: 1 package(s) x 4 core(s). I've 8GB ram and 40Gb SDD.
I do have IP4V De-Dupe currently enabled with most of the Top 20 spammer countries selected. I've selected the two default DNSBL EasyList feeds and Top1M Alex sites. Within EasyList I've selected all categories and chosen Unbound as the list action.
Happy to tweak these settings or test any other recommendation.
Ive just noticed an annoying bug when pressing save on the Firewall/pfBlockerNG/Edit/IPv4 page if there are any errors all your data gets wiped out :-(
This is an issue with the pfSense pkg_edit.php code… I have been discussing a fix with the Devs... Hope to get it resolved shortly...