PfSense 2.3.x – PhP Cli script – WPADcliSetup.php
He añadido al script un test de la validez del nginx.conf generado y si es así que lo lance
He conseguido que el script añada un Host Override para wpad.undominio.algo si no existiese.
Ahora tengo la pega de que no sé muy bien ¿como reiniciar en pfSense 2.3.x el servicio unbound (DNS Resolver) vía php-cli o bash o shell?
El código
#!/usr/local/bin/php /* WPADcliSetup.php by Javier Castañón - - PIyMenta 2016 VorumServer 2.0 SecureLAN === */ require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once("/usr/local/www/widgets/include/"); global $config, $g; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[31m# Setup ngnix.conf for WPAD v1 alpha 2016 # \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m#by Javier Castañon.javcasta \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m#host WPADcliSetup.php in /tmp or /scripts folder# \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m# run via shell: # php /tmp/WPADcliSetup.php # \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; //choose IP echo "Elige nº para IP & Interfaz para WPAD (normalmente interfaz LAN) \n"; echo "Choose number for IP & IF for WPAD (ussually LAN interface) \n"; $lasips = array(); $ifdescrs = get_configured_interface_with_descr(); $i = 0; foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifdescr => $ifname) { $ifinfo = get_interface_info($ifdescr); $sichequeado = ""; if ($ifinfo['status'] == "up" || $ifinfo['status'] == "associated") { $i++; if (strpos($ifname, "LAN") !== false) { echo $i . " " . "\033[32m".$ifname." - ".$ifinfo['ipaddr']." \033[0m \n"; $lasips[] = $ifinfo['ipaddr']; } else { echo $i ." " . $ifname . ' ' . $ifinfo['ipaddr'] . " \033[0m \n"; $lasips[] = $ifinfo['ipaddr']; } } } //end foreach $choose = readline("Por favor, introduce el nº / Please, enter Number: "); echo "Has elegido / Your election is: ". $choose . " - " . $lasips[$choose - 1] . "\n"; //backup/copiar nginx.conf -> ngnix.conf.origin $fecha = date("Y").date("m").date("d").date('Hi'); $backupngnixconf = $fecha."nginx.conf.origin"; copy("/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", "/usr/local/etc/nginx/$backupngnixconf"); print_r("Backup for /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf done: $backupngnixconf \n"); //parsear ngnix.conf para que escuche en host - wpad.dominio : IP $world = _($lasips[$choose - 1]); $world2 = _($config['system']['domain']); $str = <<<eof<br>worker_processes 1; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { include mime.types; #add extra mime types for wpad.dat & wpad.da types { application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig dat; application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig da; } default_type application/octet-stream; sendfile on; #tcp_nopush on; #keepalive_timeout 0; keepalive_timeout 65; server { listen $world:80; server_name wpad.$world2; location / { root /usr/local/www/nginx; index index.html index.htm; } error_page 404 /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/50x.html; # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; #error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { root /usr/local/www/nginx-dist; } } } EOF; // $str to file / file_put_contents("/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", $str); print_r("/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf configured for wpad \n"); $show = shell_exec("/bin/cat /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"); echo "================================= \n"; echo $show; echo "================================= \n"; echo "Realizando test de nginx.conf / Performing nginx.conf Test \n"; exec("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx oneconfigtest 2> /tmp/testnginx.tmp", $output, $return_var); $test = shell_exec("cat /tmp/testnginx.tmp"); echo $test." \n"; //if test ok, run one instance ngninx for wpad if (strpos($test, "syntax is ok") !== false && strpos($test, "test is successful") !== false) { echo "Test OK \n"; shell_exec("[ -f /var/run/ ] && echo 'OK' > /tmp/ngnix-status.tmp || /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx onestart"); } else { echo "Test NO OK \n"; die(); } echo "\n"; //si no existe host override wpad.eldominio.algo --> add Host Override wpad.eldominio.algo <--> La IP if (!is_array($config['unbound']['hosts'])) { $config['unbound']['hosts'] = array(); } $a_hosts = &$config['unbound']['hosts']; $existewpadho = 0; foreach ($a_hosts as $sec) { if (strpos($sec['host'], "wpad") !== false) { $existewpadho = 1; } } if ($existewpadho == 1) { print_r("Ya existe Host Override wpad \n"); print_r("wpad <--> ".gethostbyname("wpad")."\n"); } //0 if ($existewpadho == 0) { print_r("No existe Host Override wpad \n"); $wpadov = "local-data: ".'"'."wpad.".$config['system']['domain']." "."A"." ".$lasips[$choose - 1].'"'."\r\n"; $wpadov .= "local-data: ".'"'."wpad"." "."A"." ".$lasips[$choose - 1].'"'."\r\n"; // local-data: "wpad.localdomain.local A" // local-data: "wpad A" //crear fichero /var/unbound/mywpad.conf file_put_contents("/var/unbound/mywpad.conf", $wpadov); //Añadir server:include:/var/unbound/mywpad.conf en unbound advanced // /var/unbound/unbound.conf $config = parse_config(true); $unboundadvanced = &$config['unbound']['custom_options']; $advanced = base64_decode($unboundadvanced) . "\r\n" . "server:include:/var/unbound/mywpad.conf"; echo $advanced."\n"; $advanced = base64_encode($advanced); $write_advanced_unbound['unboundconfig'] = "{$advanced}"; print_r("Añadiendo / Add: server:include:/var/unbound/mywpad.conf en / on: unbound custom options \n"); $config['unbound']['custom_options'] = $write_advanced_unbound['unboundconfig']; write_config(); //restart unbound ?? echo "Para aplicar cambios reinicie el servicio unbound / Reload unbound service for apply changes \n"; } //TODO - road map // falta implementar proxy.pac, //si dhcp server on en interfaz añadir options 252 //crear enlaces simbólicos a wpad.dat y .da ?></eof<br>
–- add --
Faltaba unas comillas de cierre en linea
print_r("Añadiendo / Add: server:include:/var/unbound/mywpad.conf en / on: unbound custom options \n");
corregido :)
Faltaba unas comillas de cierre en linea
print_r("Añadiendo / Add: server:include:/var/unbound/mywpad.conf en / on: unbound custom options \n");
corregido :)
Sigo con la hoja de ruta (road map) del script.
He añadido:
Si dhcp server on (enable) en Interface y no existe entrada 252 "http://wpad.eldominio.algo/proxy.pac/proxy.pac" , wpad.dat y wpad.da crearlas
dhcp enable in opt1 interface
Adding 252 boot options in interface opt1 : "http://wpad.localdomain.local/proxy.pac"
Adding 252 boot options in interface opt1 : "http://wpad.localdomain.local/wpad.dat"
Adding 252 boot options in interface opt1 : "http://wpad.localdomain.local/wpad.da"El código añadido:
//si dhcp server on en Interface y no existe entradas 252 "http://wpad.eldominio.algo/proxy.pac wpad.dat wpad.da" crearlas $dhcpif = $lasintsys[$choose -1]; $aux1 = $dhcpif; $dhcparray = $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]; $sienabledhcp = 0; foreach ($dhcparray as $sec) { if (strpos($sec, "enable") !== false) { $sienabledhcp = 1; } } $options252 = 0; if ($sienabledhcp == 1) { echo "dhcp enable in $dhcpif interface \n"; $dhcparray = $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']; $j = 0; while (!empty($config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j])) { $j++; if (strpos($config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j], "252") !== false) { $options252 = 1; } } //si no existen 252 options add if ($options252 == 1) { print_r("Ya existen entradas 252"); } else { //get fist item null $j = 0; while (!empty($config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j])) { $j++; } // add 252 options $valor1 = '"'."http://wpad.".$config['system']['domain']."/proxy.pac".'"'; $valor2 = '"'."http://wpad.".$config['system']['domain']."/wpad.dat".'"'; $valor3 = '"'."http://wpad.".$config['system']['domain']."/wpad.da".'"'; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j]['number'] = 252; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j]['type'] = "string"; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j]['value'] = base64_encode($valor1); $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+1]['number'] = 252; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+1]['type'] = "string"; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+1]['value'] = base64_encode($valor2); $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+2]['number'] = 252; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+2]['type'] = "string"; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+2]['value'] = base64_encode($valor3); print_r("Adding 252 boot options in interface $aux1 : $valor1 \n"); print_r("Adding 252 boot options in interface $aux1 : $valor2 \n"); print_r("Adding 252 boot options in interface $aux1 : $valor3 \n"); write_config(); } } else { echo "dhcp NOT enable in $dhcpif interface \n"; }
El código completo ( por ahora :) )
#!/usr/local/bin/php /* WPADcliSetup.php by Javier Castañón - - PIyMenta 2016 VorumServer 2.0 SecureLAN === */ require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once("/usr/local/www/widgets/include/"); global $config, $g; $config = parse_config(true); echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[31m# Setup ngnix.conf for WPAD v1 alpha 2016 # \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m#by Javier Castañon.javcasta \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m#host WPADcliSetup.php in /tmp or /scripts folder# \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m# run via shell: # php /tmp/WPADcliSetup.php # \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; //choose IP echo "Elige nº para IP & Interfaz para WPAD (normalmente interfaz LAN) \n"; echo "Choose number for IP & IF for WPAD (ussually LAN interface) \n"; $lasips = array(); $lasinterfaces = array(); $lasintsys = array(); $ifdescrs = get_configured_interface_with_descr(); $i = 0; foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifdescr => $ifname) { $ifinfo = get_interface_info($ifdescr); //$sichequeado = ""; if ($ifinfo['status'] == "up" || $ifinfo['status'] == "associated") { $i++; if (strpos($ifname, "LAN") !== false) { echo $i . " " . "\033[32m".$ifname." - ".$ifinfo['ipaddr']." \033[0m \n"; $lasips[] = $ifinfo['ipaddr']; $lasinterfaces[] = $ifname; $lasintsys[] = array_search ("$ifname", $ifdescrs); } else { echo $i ." " . $ifname . ' ' . $ifinfo['ipaddr'] . " \033[0m \n"; $lasips[] = $ifinfo['ipaddr']; $lasinterfaces[] = $ifname; $lasintsys[] = array_search ("$ifname", $ifdescrs); } } } //end foreach $choose = readline("Por favor, introduce el nº / Please, enter Number: "); echo "Has elegido / Your election is: $choose" . $lasinterfaces[$choose - 1] . " " . " - " . $lasips[$choose - 1] . "\n"; //backup/copiar nginx.conf -> ngnix.conf.origin $fecha = date("Y").date("m").date("d").date('Hi'); $backupngnixconf = $fecha."nginx.conf.origin"; copy("/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", "/usr/local/etc/nginx/$backupngnixconf"); print_r("Backup for /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf done: $backupngnixconf \n"); //parsear ngnix.conf para que escuche en host - wpad.dominio : IP $world = _($lasips[$choose - 1]); $world2 = _($config['system']['domain']); $str = <<<eof<br> worker_processes 1; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { include mime.types; #add extra mime types for wpad.dat & wpad.da types { application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig dat; application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig da; } default_type application/octet-stream; sendfile on; #tcp_nopush on; #keepalive_timeout 0; keepalive_timeout 65; server { listen $world:80; server_name wpad.$world2; location / { root /usr/local/www/nginx; index index.html index.htm; } error_page 404 /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/50x.html; # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; #error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { root /usr/local/www/nginx-dist; } } } EOF; // $str to file / file_put_contents("/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", $str); print_r("/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf configured for wpad \n"); $show = shell_exec("/bin/cat /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"); echo "================================= \n"; echo $show; echo "================================= \n"; echo "Realizando test de nginx.conf / Performing nginx.conf Test \n"; exec("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx oneconfigtest 2> /tmp/testnginx.tmp", $output, $return_var); $test = shell_exec("cat /tmp/testnginx.tmp"); echo $test." \n"; //if test ok, run one instance ngninx for wpad if (strpos($test, "syntax is ok") !== false && strpos($test, "test is successful") !== false) { echo "Test OK \n"; shell_exec("[ -f /var/run/ ] && echo 'OK' > /tmp/ngnix-status.tmp || /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx onestart"); } else { echo "Test NO OK \n"; die(); } echo "\n"; //si no existe host override wpad.eldominio.algo --> add Host Override wpad.eldominio.algo <--> La IP if (!is_array($config['unbound']['hosts'])) { $config['unbound']['hosts'] = array(); } $a_hosts = &$config['unbound']['hosts']; $existewpadho = 0; foreach ($a_hosts as $sec) { if (strpos($sec['host'], "wpad") !== false) { $existewpadho = 1; } } if ($existewpadho == 1) { print_r("Ya existe Host Override wpad \n"); print_r("wpad <--> ".gethostbyname("wpad")."\n"); } //0 if ($existewpadho == 0) { print_r("No existe Host Override wpad \n"); $wpadov = "local-data: ".'"'."wpad.".$config['system']['domain']." "."A"." ".$lasips[$choose - 1].'"'."\r\n"; $wpadov .= "local-data: ".'"'."wpad"." "."A"." ".$lasips[$choose - 1].'"'."\r\n"; // local-data: "wpad.localdomain.local A" // local-data: "wpad A" //crear fichero /var/unbound/mywpad.conf file_put_contents("/var/unbound/mywpad.conf", $wpadov); //Añadir server:include:/var/unbound/mywpad.conf en unbound advanced // / var/unbound/unbound.conf $config = parse_config(true); $unboundadvanced = &$config['unbound']['custom_options']; $advanced = base64_decode($unboundadvanced) . "\r\n" . "server:include:/var/unbound/mywpad.conf"; echo $advanced . "\n"; $advanced = base64_encode($advanced); $write_advanced_unbound['unboundconfig'] = "{$advanced}"; print_r("Añadiendo / Add: server:include:/var/unbound/mywpad.conf en / on: unbound custom options \n"); $config['unbound']['custom_options'] = $write_advanced_unbound['unboundconfig']; write_config(); //restart unbound print_r("Para aplicar cambios reinicie el servicio unbound - Reload unbound service for apply changes \n"); } //si dhcp server on en Interface y no existe entradas 252 "http://wpad.eldominio.algo/proxy.pac wpad.dat wpad.da" crearlas $dhcpif = $lasintsys[$choose -1]; $aux1 = $dhcpif; $dhcparray = $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]; $sienabledhcp = 0; foreach ($dhcparray as $sec) { if (strpos($sec, "enable") !== false) { $sienabledhcp = 1; } } $options252 = 0; if ($sienabledhcp == 1) { echo "dhcp enable in $dhcpif interface \n"; $dhcparray = $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']; $j = 0; while (!empty($config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j])) { $j++; if (strpos($config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j], "252") !== false) { $options252 = 1; } } //si no existen 252 options add if ($options252 == 1) { print_r("Ya existen entradas 252"); } else { //get fist item null $j = 0; while (!empty($config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j])) { $j++; } // add 252 options $valor1 = '"'."http://wpad.".$config['system']['domain']."/proxy.pac".'"'; $valor2 = '"'."http://wpad.".$config['system']['domain']."/wpad.dat".'"'; $valor3 = '"'."http://wpad.".$config['system']['domain']."/wpad.da".'"'; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j]['number'] = 252; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j]['type'] = "string"; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j]['value'] = base64_encode($valor1); $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+1]['number'] = 252; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+1]['type'] = "string"; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+1]['value'] = base64_encode($valor2); $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+2]['number'] = 252; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+2]['type'] = "string"; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+2]['value'] = base64_encode($valor3); print_r("Adding 252 boot options in interface $aux1 : $valor1 \n"); print_r("Adding 252 boot options in interface $aux1 : $valor2 \n"); print_r("Adding 252 boot options in interface $aux1 : $valor3 \n"); write_config(); } } else { echo "dhcp NOT enable in $dhcpif interface \n"; } //TODO - road map //crear si no existe proxy.pac -> "/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac" //enlaces simbólicos //shell_exec("/bin/ln -s /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/wpad.dat"); //shell_exec("/bin/ln -s /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/wpad.da"); //obtener proxy port //$proxyport = $config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'][0]['proxy_port']; //print_r($proxyport."\n"); //añadir cron cada hora : [ -f /var/run/ ] && echo “OK” > /tmp/ngnix-status.tmp || /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx onestart //reiniciar servicios unbound y dhcp //sino existe /var/run/nginx lanzar nginx /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx onestart //echo "[By Javier Castañon - javcasta - PIyMenta 2016]("; ?></eof<br>
Modificado, por si ya existe una entrada en dhcp boot options, que obtenga el 1er item nulo para escribir en el la option 252
$j = 0;
while (!empty($config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j])) {
} -
Ahora he añadido al script que implemente el proxy.pac y cree los enlaces simbólicos a wpad.dat y wpad.da
//crear si no existe proxy.pac -> "/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac" $proxyport = $config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'][0]['proxy_port']; $auxw = "PROXY wpad." . $config['system']['domain']. ":$proxyport"; $world = _($auxw); $world2 = _($config['system']['domain']); $world3 = _($lasips[$choose -1]); $world4 = _($lasmasks[$choose -1]); $proxypac = <<<eof<br>function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { //var wpad = "PROXY wpad.localdomain.local:3128"; var wpad = "$world"; host = host.toLowerCase(); var hostIP = dnsResolve(host); if (hostIP == 0) return wpad; if (isPlainHostName(host)) return "DIRECT"; if (shExpMatch(host, ".local")) return "DIRECT"; //mi dominio localdomain.local; //if (shExpMatch(host, ".localdomain.local")) return "DIRECT"; if (shExpMatch(host, ".$world2")) return "DIRECT"; //redes privadas; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; //mi red privada; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "$world3", "$world4")) return "DIRECT"; //end mi red privada; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (shExpMatch(host, "fe80::*")) return "DIRECT"; if (shExpMatch(url, "http:*")) return wpad; if (shExpMatch(url, "https:*")) return wpad; return wpad; } EOF; //si existe proxy.pac hacemos backup if (file_exists("/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac")){ //backup/copiar nginx.conf -> ngnix.conf.origin $fecha = date("Y").date("m").date("d").date('Hi'); $backupproxypac = $fecha."proxy.pac.origin"; copy("/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac", "/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/$backupproxypac"); print_r("Backup for /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac done: $backupproxypac \n"); } file_put_contents("/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac", $proxypac); print_r("/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac for wpad \n"); $show = shell_exec("/bin/cat /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac"); echo "================================= \n"; echo $show; echo "================================= \n"; //enlaces simbólicos print_r("Create Links for wpad.dat and wpad.da \n"); shell_exec("/bin/ln -s /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/wpad.dat"); shell_exec("/bin/ln -s /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/wpad.da");</eof<br>
El código completo ( por ahora :) … ya queda menos para que el script esté completo y deje la fase alpha y pase a Beta)
#!/usr/local/bin/php /* WPADcliSetup.php by Javier Castañón - - PIyMenta 2016 VorumServer 2.0 SecureLAN === */ require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once("/usr/local/www/widgets/include/"); global $config, $g; $config = parse_config(true); echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[31m# Setup ngnix.conf for WPAD v1 alpha 2016 # \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m#by Javier Castañon.javcasta \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m#host WPADcliSetup.php in /tmp or /scripts folder# \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m# run via shell: # php /tmp/WPADcliSetup.php # \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; //choose IP echo "Elige nº para IP & Interfaz para WPAD (normalmente interfaz LAN) \n"; echo "Choose number for IP & IF for WPAD (ussually LAN interface) \n"; $lasips = array(); $lasinterfaces = array(); $lasintsys = array(); $lasmasks = array(); $ifdescrs = get_configured_interface_with_descr(); $i = 0; foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifdescr => $ifname) { $ifinfo = get_interface_info($ifdescr); //print_r($ifinfo); if ($ifinfo['status'] == "up" || $ifinfo['status'] == "associated") { $i++; if (strpos($ifname, "LAN") !== false) { echo $i . " " . "\033[32m".$ifname." - ".$ifinfo['ipaddr']." \033[0m \n"; $lasips[] = $ifinfo['ipaddr']; $lasmasks[] = $ifinfo['subnet']; $lasinterfaces[] = $ifname; $lasintsys[] = array_search ("$ifname", $ifdescrs); } else { echo $i ." " . $ifname . ' ' . $ifinfo['ipaddr'] . " \033[0m \n"; $lasips[] = $ifinfo['ipaddr']; $lasmasks[] = $ifinfo['subnet']; $lasinterfaces[] = $ifname; $lasintsys[] = array_search ("$ifname", $ifdescrs); } } } //end foreach $choose = readline("Por favor, introduce el nº / Please, enter Number: "); echo "Has elegido / Your election is: $choose" . $lasinterfaces[$choose - 1] . " " . " - " . $lasips[$choose - 1] . "\n"; //backup/copiar nginx.conf -> ngnix.conf.origin $fecha = date("Y").date("m").date("d").date('Hi'); $backupngnixconf = $fecha."nginx.conf.origin"; copy("/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", "/usr/local/etc/nginx/$backupngnixconf"); print_r("Backup for /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf done: $backupngnixconf \n"); //parsear ngnix.conf para que escuche en host - wpad.dominio : IP $world = _($lasips[$choose - 1]); $world2 = _($config['system']['domain']); $str = <<<eof<br>worker_processes 1; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { include mime.types; #add extra mime types for wpad.dat & wpad.da types { application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig dat; application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig da; } default_type application/octet-stream; sendfile on; #tcp_nopush on; #keepalive_timeout 0; keepalive_timeout 65; server { listen $world:80; server_name wpad.$world2; location / { root /usr/local/www/nginx; index index.html index.htm; } error_page 404 /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/50x.html; # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; #error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { root /usr/local/www/nginx-dist; } } } EOF; // $str to file / file_put_contents("/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", $str); print_r("/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf configured for wpad \n"); $show = shell_exec("/bin/cat /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"); echo "================================= \n"; echo $show; echo "================================= \n"; echo "Realizando test de nginx.conf / Performing nginx.conf Test \n"; exec("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx oneconfigtest 2> /tmp/testnginx.tmp", $output, $return_var); $test = shell_exec("cat /tmp/testnginx.tmp"); echo $test." \n"; //if test ok, run one instance ngninx for wpad if (strpos($test, "syntax is ok") !== false && strpos($test, "test is successful") !== false) { echo "Test OK \n"; shell_exec("[ -f /var/run/ ] && echo 'OK' > /tmp/ngnix-status.tmp || /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx onestart"); } else { echo "Test NO OK \n"; die(); } echo "\n"; //si no existe host override wpad.eldominio.algo --> add Host Override wpad.eldominio.algo <--> La IP if (!is_array($config['unbound']['hosts'])) { $config['unbound']['hosts'] = array(); } $a_hosts = &$config['unbound']['hosts']; $existewpadho = 0; foreach ($a_hosts as $sec) { if (strpos($sec['host'], "wpad") !== false) { $existewpadho = 1; } } if ($existewpadho == 1) { print_r("Ya existe Host Override wpad \n"); print_r("wpad <--> ".gethostbyname("wpad")."\n"); } //0 if ($existewpadho == 0) { print_r("No existe Host Override wpad \n"); $wpadov = "local-data: ".'"'."wpad.".$config['system']['domain']." "."A"." ".$lasips[$choose - 1].'"'."\r\n"; $wpadov .= "local-data: ".'"'."wpad"." "."A"." ".$lasips[$choose - 1].'"'."\r\n"; // local-data: "wpad.localdomain.local A" // local-data: "wpad A" //crear fichero /var/unbound/mywpad.conf file_put_contents("/var/unbound/mywpad.conf", $wpadov); //Añadir server:include:/var/unbound/mywpad.conf en unbound advanced // / var/unbound/unbound.conf $config = parse_config(true); $unboundadvanced = &$config['unbound']['custom_options']; $advanced = base64_decode($unboundadvanced) . "\r\n" . "server:include:/var/unbound/mywpad.conf"; echo $advanced . "\n"; $advanced = base64_encode($advanced); $write_advanced_unbound['unboundconfig'] = "{$advanced}"; print_r("Añadiendo / Add: server:include:/var/unbound/mywpad.conf en / on: unbound custom options \n"); $config['unbound']['custom_options'] = $write_advanced_unbound['unboundconfig']; write_config(); //restart unbound print_r("Para aplicar cambios reinicie el servicio unbound - Reload unbound service for apply changes \n"); } //si dhcp server on en Interface y no existe entradas 252 "http://wpad.eldominio.algo/proxy.pac wpad.dat wpad.da" crearlas $dhcpif = $lasintsys[$choose -1]; $aux1 = $dhcpif; $dhcparray = $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]; $sienabledhcp = 0; foreach ($dhcparray as $sec) { if (strpos($sec, "enable") !== false) { $sienabledhcp = 1; } } $options252 = 0; if ($sienabledhcp == 1) { echo "dhcp enable in $dhcpif interface \n"; $dhcparray = $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']; $j = 0; while (!empty($config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j])) { $j++; if (strpos($config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j], "252") !== false) { $options252 = 1; } } //si no existen 252 options add if ($options252 == 1) { print_r("Ya existen entradas 252 \n"); } else { //get fist item null $j = 0; while (!empty($config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j])) { $j++; } // add 252 options $valor1 = '"'."http://wpad.".$config['system']['domain']."/proxy.pac".'"'; $valor2 = '"'."http://wpad.".$config['system']['domain']."/wpad.dat".'"'; $valor3 = '"'."http://wpad.".$config['system']['domain']."/wpad.da".'"'; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j]['number'] = 252; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j]['type'] = "string"; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j]['value'] = base64_encode($valor1); $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+1]['number'] = 252; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+1]['type'] = "string"; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+1]['value'] = base64_encode($valor2); $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+2]['number'] = 252; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+2]['type'] = "string"; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+2]['value'] = base64_encode($valor3); print_r("Adding 252 boot options in interface $aux1 : $valor1 \n"); print_r("Adding 252 boot options in interface $aux1 : $valor2 \n"); print_r("Adding 252 boot options in interface $aux1 : $valor3 \n"); write_config(); } } else { echo "dhcp NOT enable in $dhcpif interface \n"; } //crear si no existe proxy.pac -> "/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac" $proxyport = $config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'][0]['proxy_port']; $auxw = "PROXY wpad." . $config['system']['domain']. ":$proxyport"; $world = _($auxw); $world2 = _($config['system']['domain']); $world3 = _($lasips[$choose -1]); $world4 = _($lasmasks[$choose -1]); $proxypac = <<<eof<br>function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { //var wpad = "PROXY wpad.localdomain.local:3128"; var wpad = "$world"; host = host.toLowerCase(); var hostIP = dnsResolve(host); if (hostIP == 0) return wpad; if (isPlainHostName(host)) return "DIRECT"; if (shExpMatch(host, ".local")) return "DIRECT"; //mi dominio localdomain.local; //if (shExpMatch(host, ".localdomain.local")) return "DIRECT"; if (shExpMatch(host, ".$world2")) return "DIRECT"; //redes privadas; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; //mi red privada; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "$world3", "$world4")) return "DIRECT"; //end mi red privada; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (shExpMatch(host, "fe80::*")) return "DIRECT"; if (shExpMatch(url, "http:*")) return wpad; if (shExpMatch(url, "https:*")) return wpad; return wpad; } EOF; //si existe proxy.pac hacemos backup if (file_exists("/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac")){ //backup/copiar nginx.conf -> ngnix.conf.origin $fecha = date("Y").date("m").date("d").date('Hi'); $backupproxypac = $fecha."proxy.pac.origin"; copy("/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac", "/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/$backupproxypac"); print_r("Backup for /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac done: $backupproxypac \n"); } file_put_contents("/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac", $proxypac); print_r("/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac for wpad \n"); $show = shell_exec("/bin/cat /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac"); echo "================================= \n"; echo $show; echo "================================= \n"; //enlaces simbólicos print_r("Create Links for wpad.dat and wpad.da \n"); shell_exec("/bin/ln -s /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/wpad.dat"); shell_exec("/bin/ln -s /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/wpad.da"); //TODO - road map //añadir cron cada hora : [ -f /var/run/ ] && echo “OK” > /tmp/ngnix-status.tmp || /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx onestart //reiniciar servicios unbound y dhcp //sino existe /var/run/nginx lanzar nginx /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx onestart //crear si no existe <shell_exec>/usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx onestart en config //echo "[By Javier Castañon - javcasta - PIyMenta 2016]("; ?></shell_exec></eof<br></eof<br>
he añadido al script que agregue al config.xml una entrada <shellcmd>(si no existe)
<shellcmd>/usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx onestart</shellcmd>
Y creo que ya está todo. Así que el script ya está en fase Beta :)
El código completo.
#!/usr/local/bin/php /* WPADcliSetup.php by Javier Castañón - - PIyMenta 2016 VorumServer 2.0 SecureLAN === */ require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once("/usr/local/www/widgets/include/"); global $config, $g; $config = parse_config(true); echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[31m# Setup ngnix.conf for WPAD v1 alpha 2016 # \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m#by Javier Castañon.javcasta \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m#host WPADcliSetup.php in /tmp or /scripts folder# \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m# run via shell: # php /tmp/WPADcliSetup.php # \033[0m \n"; echo "\033[34m################################################## \033[0m \n"; //choose IP echo "Elige nº para IP & Interfaz para WPAD (normalmente interfaz LAN) \n"; echo "Choose number for IP & IF for WPAD (ussually LAN interface) \n"; $lasips = array(); $lasinterfaces = array(); $lasintsys = array(); $lasmasks = array(); $ifdescrs = get_configured_interface_with_descr(); $i = 0; foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifdescr => $ifname) { $ifinfo = get_interface_info($ifdescr); //print_r($ifinfo); if ($ifinfo['status'] == "up" || $ifinfo['status'] == "associated") { $i++; if (strpos($ifname, "LAN") !== false) { echo $i . " " . "\033[32m".$ifname." - ".$ifinfo['ipaddr']." \033[0m \n"; $lasips[] = $ifinfo['ipaddr']; $lasmasks[] = $ifinfo['subnet']; $lasinterfaces[] = $ifname; $lasintsys[] = array_search ("$ifname", $ifdescrs); } else { echo $i ." " . $ifname . ' ' . $ifinfo['ipaddr'] . " \033[0m \n"; $lasips[] = $ifinfo['ipaddr']; $lasmasks[] = $ifinfo['subnet']; $lasinterfaces[] = $ifname; $lasintsys[] = array_search ("$ifname", $ifdescrs); } } } //end foreach $choose = readline("Por favor, introduce el nº / Please, enter Number: "); echo "Has elegido / Your election is: $choose" . $lasinterfaces[$choose - 1] . " " . " - " . $lasips[$choose - 1] . "\n"; //backup/copiar nginx.conf -> ngnix.conf.origin $fecha = date("Y").date("m").date("d").date('Hi'); $backupngnixconf = $fecha."nginx.conf.origin"; copy("/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", "/usr/local/etc/nginx/$backupngnixconf"); print_r("Backup for /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf done: $backupngnixconf \n"); //parsear ngnix.conf para que escuche en host - wpad.dominio : IP $world = _($lasips[$choose - 1]); $world2 = _($config['system']['domain']); $str = <<<eof<br> worker_processes 1; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { include mime.types; #add extra mime types for wpad.dat & wpad.da types { application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig dat; application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig da; } default_type application/octet-stream; sendfile on; #tcp_nopush on; #keepalive_timeout 0; keepalive_timeout 65; server { listen $world:80; server_name wpad.$world2; location / { root /usr/local/www/nginx; index index.html index.htm; } error_page 404 /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/50x.html; # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; #error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { root /usr/local/www/nginx-dist; } } } EOF; // $str to file / file_put_contents("/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", $str); print_r("/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf configured for wpad \n"); $show = shell_exec("/bin/cat /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"); echo "================================= \n"; echo $show; echo "================================= \n"; echo "Realizando test de nginx.conf / Performing nginx.conf Test \n"; exec("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx oneconfigtest 2> /tmp/testnginx.tmp", $output, $return_var); $test = shell_exec("cat /tmp/testnginx.tmp"); echo $test." \n"; //if test ok, run one instance ngninx for wpad if (strpos($test, "syntax is ok") !== false && strpos($test, "test is successful") !== false) { echo "Test OK \n"; shell_exec("[ -f /var/run/ ] && echo 'OK' > /tmp/ngnix-status.tmp || /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx onestart"); } else { echo "Test NO OK \n"; die(); } echo "\n"; //si no existe host override wpad.eldominio.algo --> add Host Override wpad.eldominio.algo <--> La IP if (!is_array($config['unbound']['hosts'])) { $config['unbound']['hosts'] = array(); } $a_hosts = &$config['unbound']['hosts']; $existewpadho = 0; foreach ($a_hosts as $sec) { if (strpos($sec['host'], "wpad") !== false) { $existewpadho = 1; } } if ($existewpadho == 1) { print_r("Ya existe Host Override wpad \n"); print_r("wpad <--> ".gethostbyname("wpad")."\n"); } //0 if ($existewpadho == 0) { print_r("No existe Host Override wpad \n"); $wpadov = "local-data: ".'"'."wpad.".$config['system']['domain']." "."A"." ".$lasips[$choose - 1].'"'."\r\n"; $wpadov .= "local-data: ".'"'."wpad"." "."A"." ".$lasips[$choose - 1].'"'."\r\n"; // local-data: "wpad.localdomain.local A" // local-data: "wpad A" //crear fichero /var/unbound/mywpad.conf file_put_contents("/var/unbound/mywpad.conf", $wpadov); //Añadir server:include:/var/unbound/mywpad.conf en unbound advanced // / var/unbound/unbound.conf $config = parse_config(true); $unboundadvanced = &$config['unbound']['custom_options']; $advanced = base64_decode($unboundadvanced) . "\r\n" . "server:include:/var/unbound/mywpad.conf"; echo $advanced . "\n"; $advanced = base64_encode($advanced); $write_advanced_unbound['unboundconfig'] = "{$advanced}"; print_r("Añadiendo / Add: server:include:/var/unbound/mywpad.conf en / on: unbound custom options \n"); $config['unbound']['custom_options'] = $write_advanced_unbound['unboundconfig']; write_config(); //restart unbound print_r("Para aplicar cambios reinicie el servicio unbound - Reload unbound service for apply changes \n"); } //si dhcp server on en Interface y no existe entradas 252 "http://wpad.eldominio.algo/proxy.pac wpad.dat wpad.da" crearlas $dhcpif = $lasintsys[$choose -1]; $aux1 = $dhcpif; $dhcparray = $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]; $sienabledhcp = 0; foreach ($dhcparray as $sec) { if (strpos($sec, "enable") !== false) { $sienabledhcp = 1; } } $options252 = 0; if ($sienabledhcp == 1) { echo "dhcp enable in $dhcpif interface \n"; $dhcparray = $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']; $j = 0; while (!empty($config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j])) { $j++; if (strpos($config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j], "252") !== false) { $options252 = 1; } } //si no existen 252 options add if ($options252 == 1) { print_r("Ya existen entradas 252 \n"); } else { //get fist item null $j = 0; while (!empty($config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j])) { $j++; } // add 252 options $valor1 = '"'."http://wpad.".$config['system']['domain']."/proxy.pac".'"'; $valor2 = '"'."http://wpad.".$config['system']['domain']."/wpad.dat".'"'; $valor3 = '"'."http://wpad.".$config['system']['domain']."/wpad.da".'"'; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j]['number'] = 252; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j]['type'] = "string"; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j]['value'] = base64_encode($valor1); $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+1]['number'] = 252; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+1]['type'] = "string"; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+1]['value'] = base64_encode($valor2); $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+2]['number'] = 252; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+2]['type'] = "string"; $config['dhcpd']["{$aux1}"]['numberoptions']['item'][$j+2]['value'] = base64_encode($valor3); print_r("Adding 252 boot options in interface $aux1 : $valor1 \n"); print_r("Adding 252 boot options in interface $aux1 : $valor2 \n"); print_r("Adding 252 boot options in interface $aux1 : $valor3 \n"); write_config(); } } else { echo "dhcp NOT enable in $dhcpif interface \n"; } //crear si no existe proxy.pac -> "/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac" $proxyport = $config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'][0]['proxy_port']; $auxw = "PROXY wpad." . $config['system']['domain']. ":$proxyport"; $world = _($auxw); $world2 = _($config['system']['domain']); $world3 = _($lasips[$choose -1]); $world4 = _($lasmasks[$choose -1]); $proxypac = <<<eof<br>function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { //var wpad = "PROXY wpad.localdomain.local:3128"; var wpad = "$world"; host = host.toLowerCase(); var hostIP = dnsResolve(host); if (hostIP == 0) return wpad; if (isPlainHostName(host)) return "DIRECT"; if (shExpMatch(host, ".local")) return "DIRECT"; //mi dominio localdomain.local; //if (shExpMatch(host, ".localdomain.local")) return "DIRECT"; if (shExpMatch(host, ".$world2")) return "DIRECT"; //redes privadas; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; //mi red privada; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "$world3", "$world4")) return "DIRECT"; //end mi red privada; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) return "DIRECT"; if (shExpMatch(host, "fe80::*")) return "DIRECT"; if (shExpMatch(url, "http:*")) return wpad; if (shExpMatch(url, "https:*")) return wpad; return wpad; } EOF; //si existe proxy.pac hacemos backup if (file_exists("/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac")){ //backup/copiar nginx.conf -> ngnix.conf.origin $fecha = date("Y").date("m").date("d").date('Hi'); $backupproxypac = $fecha."proxy.pac.origin"; copy("/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac", "/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/$backupproxypac"); print_r("Backup for /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac done: $backupproxypac \n"); } file_put_contents("/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac", $proxypac); print_r("/usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac for wpad \n"); $show = shell_exec("/bin/cat /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac"); echo "================================= \n"; echo $show; echo "================================= \n"; //enlaces simbólicos print_r("Create Links for wpad.dat and wpad.da \n"); shell_exec("/bin/ln -s /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/wpad.dat"); shell_exec("/bin/ln -s /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/proxy.pac /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/wpad.da"); //runt at boot //<shellcmd>/usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx onestart</shellcmd> $runatboot = 0; $k = 0; while (!empty($config['system']['shellcmd']["$k"])) { if (strpos($config['system']['shellcmd']["$k"], "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx onestart") !== false) { $runatboot = 1; } $k++; } if ($runatboot == 0) { print_r("Añadiendo al inicio del sistema / Add at system boot: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx onestart \n"); $config['system']['shellcmd'][$k] = "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx onestart"; write_config(); } else { print_r("Ya existe al inicio del sistema / Exist at boot system: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx onestart \n"); } print_r("Conveniente añadir cron cada hora : [ -f /var/run/ ] && /bin/echo 'OK' > /tmp/ngnix-status.tmp || /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx onestart \n"); print_r("Conveniente: reiniciar servicios unbound y dhcp \n"); //echo "[By Javier Castañon - javcasta - PIyMenta 2016]("; ?></eof<br></eof<br>
download:</shellcmd> -
has probado "System_Patches"
Hermano me puedes ayudar con mi pfsense en esa configuracion?
Amigo, me hizo que mi configuración como se le enseñó, sin embargo tienen problemas con las pantallas de squid y squidgard como sgerror.php y otras pantallas que se encuentran en la carpeta www, que no son accesibles … para que la pantalla muestra 404 Not Found. ¿Cómo resolver este problema?
Amigo, me hizo que mi configuración como se le enseñó, sin embargo tienen problemas con las pantallas de squid y squidgard como sgerror.php y otras pantallas que se encuentran en la carpeta www, que no son accesibles … para que la pantalla muestra 404 Not Found. ¿Cómo resolver este problema?
Tambem estou com o mesmo problema :'(
Yo usaria la versión más avanzada y con GUI, de ese script:
Pero sin olvidar de quitar, si se hubiesen añadido, los mime types .pac .dat .da de /usr/local/etc/nginx/mime.types-dist y /usr/local/etc/nginx/mime.types , ya que el script define esos mime-typ en en /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
En mi squidGuard yo lo tengo configurado:
Common ACL > Redirect mode > ext url move (enter URL) >
http://wpad.localdomain.local/my-no-autorizado.htmlY no tengo problemas.
El código de /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/my-no-autorizado.html
( http://wpad.localdomain.local/my-no-autorizado.html o http://wpad.TUDOMINIO.ALGO/my-no-autorizado.html )
Al correr WPAD en una instancia para HTTP (NO HTTPS) en el dir /usr/local/www/nginx-dist/ , no tiene definido PhP, y no puede ejecutar php. Así que cuando squidGuard redirige a HTTP (NO HTTPS) un fichero php no se ejecutará se descargará.
Así que mi solución es definir en squidGuard usar una redirección a una página de contenido estático (html) ante error o prohibición:
Common ACL >
Redirect mode >
ext url move (enter URL) >
En este hilo del foro en Portugues:
Página de erro do SquidGuard customizada | Nova instancia NGINX (suporte PHP)
muestran como lanzar una nueva instancia de nginx con soporte PhP para la página de error de squidGuard
No lo he probado, pero pinta bastante bien :)
Hola - Olá
Buen trabajo vazjunior. - bom trabalho vazjunior.
Gracias por compartir - Obrigado por compartilhar :)
Cumprimentos - Salu2
Saludos Francisco Javier Castañon. He ejecutado tu archivo mywpad.php en pfsense y aplique lo siguiente:
1- Cree un alias llamado wpad con la ip del pfsense (
2- Cree un puerto llamado Pproxy con el puerto 3028 (Aqui tengo una duda si colocar el puerto del squid 3128 o 3028 como leí en un foro)
3- En DNS resolver cree un Host Overrides llamado wpad con dominio Ip:
4- He creado las siguientes reglas:
States Protocol Source Port Destination Port Gateway Queue Schedule Description0/0 B IPv6 * LAN net * * * * none Default allow LAN IPv6 to any rule
0/0 B IPv4 TCP 80 (HTTP) * * * none
1/42.24 MiB IPv4 * LAN net * * * * none Default allow LAN to any rule
0/0 B IPv4 ICMP echoreq LAN net * * * * none ICMP echo request
0/0 B IPv4 ICMP echorep LAN net * * * * none ICMP echo reply
0/0 B IPv4 TCP/UDP LAN net * wpad 53 (DNS) * none DNS
0/0 B IPv4 TCP LAN net * wpad Pproxy * none PROXY
0/0 B IPv4 * LAN net * * * * none NO SIN PROXY5- He configurado un equipo con deteccion automatica del proxy pero que otras configuraciones me hacen falta para que el equipo no acceda a las paginas no permitidas..? Gracias por tus buenos aportes amigo.
mywpad.php es un script php para GUI, es decir, no para ser ejecutado via shell, sino desde navegador: para la regla del firewall el puerto a permitir es el del proxy, si usas tcp3128 en squid, pues ese.
El override en dns resolver ya lo crea el script, así como el proxy.pac, etc, leete los links
Hola amigo, excelente aporte con tu script…
He seguido tus manuales y son geniales, aún así sigo sin lograr echar a andar el wpad...
Veo que pones para una red que consta de una sola LAN y ahí es donde me enredo...
Yo cuento con LAN... en la cual no corro nada directamente, todo corre en VLANS y estoy batallando para echarlo a andar..
He puesto tu script sobre la lan, haciendo las modificaciones siguientes...
1.- en el archivo de nginx.conf tengo la duda del puerto de escucha... puse la LAN
pero debo poner las otras ips de las VLAN ??? ej Listen como adicional ??
2. Cada vlan cuenta con su DHCP, supongo que debo poner los valores de 252 para cada DHCP
3. en los archivos de proxy.pac, supongo que también debo agregar en la parte de redes privadas las redes de las vlan
4.- si intento que la VLAN 14 vea a la LAN para poder ver al ngnix, no me da el archivo proxy.pacQué me sugieres para un entorno con vlans '?
De ante mano gracias.