Slow loading or timeout https sites
Hi all,
this problem is bugging me for a long time but i was unable to solve it so i am asking for your help.Certain-not all- https sites do not load(timeout) or load very slowly when using squid proxy.Proxy is in non transparent mode.If i bypass the proxy they load very quickly.Some ideas what is happening and how to troubleshoot the problem?Thanks in advance.Pfsense 2.3.2 amd64
squid 0.4.22
squidguard 1.14_3
lightsquid 3.0.4
suricata 3.0_7
cron 0.3.6_2
openvpn client export 1.3.8 -
You can run a command from the console to get a quick profile of squid's performance. Run:
squidclient -h LAN_IP_address -p 3128 mgr:info
Replace LAN_IP_address with your pfSense LAN IP address.
In your output, look at the Median Service Times section. See if anything looks out of place. Here is my output for example:
Median Service Times (seconds) 5 min 60 min:
HTTP Requests (All): 0.25890 0.00179
Cache Misses: 0.00494 0.01469
Cache Hits: 0.00000 0.00000
Near Hits: 0.02190 0.00379
Not-Modified Replies: 0.00000 0.00000
DNS Lookups: 0.01331 0.03696
ICP Queries: 0.00000 0.00000 -
Nothing unusual there.Any other idea how to troubleshoot site specific delays through squid?
I'd turn off any extra services, like Suricata, and test again. IDS/IPS can create all kinds of weird network glitches.
Nothing changed by disabling SURICATA.But when i bypass the proxy(i place a firewall rule for my pc only to bypass it) the problematic sites open without delay.It is definitely the proxy.
Anything of note in /var/squid/logs/access.log when the problem is happening?
Nothing there also.But what i found out is that most of the sites that timeout have .aspx code
No idea then, sorry.