Bug Lightsquid?
I installed pfSense 2.3.2 with squid + Squidguard + Lightsquid (v. 3.0.4)
Lightsquid does not start because of a problem with the SSL certificate to /var/etc/lightsquid/cert.pem
In practice, merging of the certificate + private key is carried out in the wrong way (see attached image)…
Just fix the line below and the service starts normally ...EYUUYc+NjDKTrScBEf+s/iB/d5r3MrIm9TpY5ex5ZrDaDtNirBQXK37Jfzy+IEUN e4b3Q7NODtF1v94mgrjZUVT3OvxLvw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEAthu0Z2MFFp63YKmwZYNO6mOlPdrzXj0A6zhoWYcY6ATjep2P HWkt3dPkJv6SOCnoLH+wMgLZVrkivGqz6gwPr6PyRjqaLmBi1lTIK2VhJtZNPeFA
Sorry for my English…
![Schermata del 2016-08-23 12-02-01.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/Schermata del 2016-08-23 12-02-01.png)
![Schermata del 2016-08-23 12-02-01.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/Schermata del 2016-08-23 12-02-01.png_thumb) -
Did you import that certificate? Or was it generated by pfSense?
No, the certificate has been imported.. (StartSSL Free)
That would explain it. There probably is not a newline at the end of the cert, so the two run into one another. Should be easy to fix in the package if I can find some time.
Try changing line 286 of /usr/local/pkg/lightsquid.inc to:
$cert = base64_decode($lscert['crt']) . "\n";
That would explain it. There probably is not a newline at the end of the cert, so the two run into one another. Should be easy to fix in the package if I can find some time.
Try changing line 286 of /usr/local/pkg/lightsquid.inc to:
$cert = base64_decode($lscert['crt']) . "\n";
Hi, I have reinstalled the certificates to prevent an update wipe out the change, now everything is ok!
Thank's -
If that change worked I'd commit it so it would be included in future updates, so that wouldn't be a concern. But either way, I'm glad that seems to have fixed it up for you.