Pfblocker error on new 2.3.2 install
getting a bunch of these messages below everytime I going to my pfsense box. clean install. 8gb memory on a zoltac ci323 zbox with a 120gb ssd.
There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:27: cannot define table pfB_Top_v6: Cannot allocate memory - The line in question reads [27]: table <pfB_Top_v6> persist file "/var/db/aliastables/pfB_Top_v6.txt" @ 2016-09-01 15:06:35
Edit the pSense Adv. setting for "Max Table Entries" and change it to 10M.
Enable/Disable pfBlockerNG.
via this right:
done, and restarted the service. will reboot the firewall now.
No that is to increase the "State Table"…
System / Advanced / Firewall&NAT - Firewall Maximum Table Entries
No that is to increase the "State Table"…
System / Advanced / Firewall&NAT - Firewall Maximum Table Entries
BBCan177's fix above worked for me.
Let me take this opportunity to thank BBCan for his work on the pfblockerNG package - very impressive work fella!